Pork and Shrimp Dumpling Soup (Molo Soup)

My Mom had never been a big cook and I can only count with my fingers the number of dishes that she used to cook throughout my childhood. There was always someone cooking for the family so she didn't station herself so much in the kitchen. What I do remember is, with the very few dishes that she was cooking, they were all outstanding! One of them was this soup. In the Philippines, it is called Molo Soup. I referred to it as Pork & Shrimp Dumpling Soup because it contains dumplings filled with pork and shrimp then cooked in hot chicken broth.

In spite of my Mom's limited number of dishes, no one in the family remembered to ask her for her recipes when she was still with us. Some of her sisters remember bits and pieces of her recipes but not really the whole lot. So for those of us in the family who like to cook, we all try to experiment to get the right taste of how her dishes were. This is how I remember how her molo soup was. I don't think it tastes the same but I like to believe that it is one and the same. After all, everytime I prepare every single dumpling, I think of her and how much time and love she puts in sealing every single one. This is one of the dishes that I had been requesting from her everytime I was going to visit the Philippines. How timely it is that I am sharing with you this recipe now because it has been exactly four years that she has been gone. This recipe is quite special to me and I hope it warms you up just like it does with me. 

The recipe is at this link, at the site of She Knows, where you can find me often sharing my original recipes. If you want to see the list of recipes and some travel articles I have there, please click on this link

Enjoy your weekend!

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