Hot Dark Chocolate With Cinnamon and Cognac

The thickest hot chocolate drink I know is Italian. Sometimes I think that it's already at the borderline of being called a beverage and a dessert. But wow, how I love it! Especially when dark chocolate is used. Like the cup I made in this post of Cioccolata Calda (Hot Chocolate). Cocooned in a comfortable corner in a warm room after coming from a freezing temperature outside, oh yes, give me a cup please! Winter has some really great features like this cup of delicious hot chocolate spiked with cognac. It takes away the winter blues!

Yesterday, my husband and I went through the fourth Christmas presentation of our kids from ballet to karate and school performances. Our week had been an incredible ride of juggling school, work and personal schedules. At the end of each day, there's always a wish for a warm cup of thick hot chocolate while relaxing on the couch, but in reality, when that end arrives, ensconcing myself in my warm bed becomes a priority. That cup of hot chocolate keeps me hopeful for a little hole in my day to enjoy it. 

The tree is up, all the gifts are accounted for, the Christmas presentations are finished (just one left), school's out and weekend before Christmas is starting. It's time to enjoy this hot chocolate in a warm corner of the house with a good movie to watch. I can't wait! Tonight can be the night. I hope you're all ready to meet Christmas just like me! 

For the recipe of this hot chocolate, please click on this link to take you to She Knows. It's a food site where I constantly create recipes other than my blog. Click on this other link if you are interested in the list of recipes I have created for them. Thanks! And Merry "Almost" Christmas to all of you!

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