Kale and Ricotta Quiche

There are only a few seasonal fruits and vegetables that I literally check the calendar and stands for, and keep on rechecking until the first crops arrive at the farmer's market. Cavolo nero, as it is called in Italian or Tuscan kale in English, is one of those fresh food that keeps me going to the farmer's market until I get my own bunch to cook at home.

For a little girl who grew up crying her heart out on the dining table over a struggle to escape from a teeny weeny piece of green vegetable and from her parents' reprimands, this kind of behavior is totally uncharacteristic. But what can I say? I matured and I learned how having a balanced diet can make me stay healthy. I eat my vegetables and fruits now without shedding a single tear anymore and I have my favorites that I can't let a season pass without. Cavolo nero (Tuscan kale), broccolleti (broccoli rabe), agretti (friar's bear), puntarelle (chicory), they are all a part of what I look forward to every change of the season.

Every recipe has its own story. This one doesn't have a past story I can attach it to but it has a future that I would like to share with you. I started my food and travel blogging as a an outlet to my interests. Over the past 2-1/2 years, it branched out to a profession. I am now continuously writing and developing recipes for other sites and photographing hotels and places. It became full-time and quite tiring but it still left room for some fun. After all, what I have now is the fruit of my hard work and passion. 

Just recently, I joined the family of Stepable, a food site with step-by-step recipe photos. The recipes are easy to follow with the guidance of the photos of the method and the ingredients. I, myself, like following other recipes with pictures too. I'm sure you will find something interesting in Stepable

Now let me take you to my very first recipe in their site, the Kale & Ricotta Quiche. And here is my profile page, still quite empty but I am hoping to fill it up soon with more recipes.  

I hope you'll like it. Buon appetito!

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