Baked Scallops With Cheese

Two broken records of mispronounced words of the first verse of the Jingle Bells song continues to serenade our house. It's been a month and they still haven't abated. They remind me of my Chipmunks Christmas album when I was a child. I kept on playing it until my siblings begged me to go for some normal music. But I ruled the music scene in our house then. I was the youngest and it was Christmas. Revenge comes decades after in the voices of my very own kids. Ever wonder how singing an English song sang by the Chipmunks voices with a strong Italian accent sounds like? You should come to my house and listen to my kids' daily concert.

How was your Christmas? My supposed relaxed time turned out to be the most hectic Christmas of my life. If you have kids, you will understand me because like a classic case with kids, sickness struck in the family! My daughter had high fever. Right on the dot, right on the 24th itself. Sounds familiar? So we switched to Plan B, a plan that never really existed until that moment. How do we celebrate the eve at home with no menu to follow and no food to cook? My husband ran to the fishmonger and bought the remaining fish before they closed. And faced with the only ingredients I had, I came up with a full dinner with lightning speed. We made it. Christmas Eve happened in our house!

A part of the planned menu that we missed was these baked scallops. In Italian cooking, you will encounter heads shaking about mixing seafood and cheese but nowadays, chefs are becoming more innovative and they go for fusions of flavors. 

During one of my trips to Asia, I had some baked scallops with cheese. This recipe was based on how I enjoyed that plate. I made my version with some breadcrumbs and a mild cheese that doesn't clash with the taste of the scallops. It's a simple appetizer that will go a long way with its taste!

You will find this recipe at She Knows. It's a site where you can see me often sharing original recipes. To find out how to make this, please click on this link. If you are also interested in seeing my profile page containing all my recipes there and some travel articles, click on this link. Thank you and Happy Holidays!

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