Ginger and Cognac Tea

I know I wrote that the next post should be about the little hamlet we went to for Easter.  It will be the next one after this. A big flow of work has tied me up all day and kept me away from the computer.  While you wait, let me show you this delicious ginger and cognac tea that is sure to relieve any throat discomfort you have or just for the pleasure of having something gingery to drink. 

Ginger tea or salabat, as it is called in the Philippines, is a typical Asian tea drink to relieve throat discomforts.  As a kid, I loved drinking it even if I didn't have any throat problems, to the amusement of the adults, because I love its comforting taste and smell.  Cognac is another drink that helps relieve throat discomforts.  While making a small pot of salabat, I thought of putting them both together in one tea drink.  This is the product of the wonderful combination.  Next time I make my ginger tea, I will have to spike it with cognac.  I prefer this new combination! You can find the recipe at this link.

I also develop recipes for and the recipes I submit to them can be accessed from their site.  I thought of sharing the sneak peek here then direct you to the recipe with a link. Step over at She Knows and check out this recipe. You can also find a list of my other recipes in their site by clicking on this link.

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