Stir-Fry Noodles With Shrimp and Vegetables

I have a weakness for Asian stir-fry noodles.  It's probably one of the very few dishes where I didn't mind the vegetable content when I was young.  You see, my whole childhood was a game of dodging my veggies.  Being an adult now, I actually cannot eat stir-fry noodles without any vegetables.  And when you add shelled shrimps, I would willingly grab a seat and enjoy a bowl of this Asian delight.  There are so many kinds of noodle dishes because every Asian country has particular specialties. And I love all of them!  It is also one of the Asian dishes that my kids and husband love plus I get to put whatever vegetables I have at the moment.  Let me introduce to you the stir-fry noodles we love eating at home.

I also develop recipes for  The recipes I submit to them can be accessed from their site.  I thought of sharing the sneak peek here then direct you to the recipe with a link.

Step over at She Knows and check out this recipe. You can also find a list of my other recipes in their site by clicking on this link.

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