Easter Chocolate Egg, Ice Cream and Berry Dessert

I can be sometimes forgetful about the proximity of important occasions but because of the little projects that my kids take home from school, I am reminded about every single occasion all the time.  On their last day of school a couple of days ago, both took home their handmade cards and baskets with chocolate eggs which they ripped open as soon as they were home.  So we have all sorts of dove, bunny & egg drawings of different shapes and sizes.  We also have more than our share of blessed olive branches that my daughter took home with her when she went to church with her grandmother last Palm Sunday.  One for Mommy, one for maestra Santina (her teacher), one for herself, one for......and so on.  For the women.  She must think that Easter is an extension of Women's Day. 

My kids have already started munching their way through the chocolate eggs that they have received in advance.  At the moment I am holding 4 large chocolate eggs, 1 large chocolate bunny and about 2 dozens of small chocolate eggs in hiding from the kids, all gifts that I would like to ration during this period.  As a parent, I am not particularly happy with all these chocolates in our house. 

Since I am faced with all these chocolates, I thought of preparing this very simple chocolate, ice cream and berry dessert.  This way, even my husband and I can also enjoy the chocolates along with the kids.  It's a nice family dessert platter that takes just a few minutes to put together without so much effort.  And it's even fun to prepare it with the help of the kids! 

The picture above is my collection of Czech hand-painted eggs that I bought in Prague.  I remember how hard it had been choosing what to buy among the eggs in display because they are all stunning!  The only problem with them is that they are very fragile that over the years, I lost some during storage. 

The pastel-colored chocolate eggs of Lindt above remind me of spring so much.  Pasquetta (Easter Monday) is the first outdoor activity in Italy after a long winter.  We usually celebrate it with friends or family outdoors with grilled lamb as the principal food accompanied by salame corallina (a type of salami) and pizza di pasqua (Easter cheese bread).  This year's Pasqua (Easter) and Pasquetta will be indoors for us  because of the unfavorable weather like last year. Click on this link to go to last year's post and my recipe of the pizza di pasqua.

Buona Pasqua a tutti voi!  Happy Easter to all of you!

Easter Chocolate Egg, Ice Cream and Berry Dessert

Serves 2
  • 1 medium - big chocolate egg
  • Different flavors of ice cream
  • Bite-sized chocolate eggs & bunnies
  • Crushed pistachios or other nuts
  • Strawberries
  • Blackberries
  • Blueberries
  • Slice/s of chocolate cake (sponge cake or brownies are perfect too)
  1. Cut the cake into a shape you prefer using a cookie cutter.  Put it on the plate.
  2. Divide the big chocolate egg in the middle.  It doesn't have to be perfectly divided into 2. 
  3. Position them on the plate.
  4. Using the halved chocolate eggs as bowls, put some ice cream scoops inside.  Garnish with crushed pistachios, berries, bite-sized chocolate eggs & bunnies.  
  5. Serve immediately.

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