Lemon and Oregano Chicken Fillet

Lately, I have been more attracted to quick and easy recipes that are exploding with flavors.  Example?  This one!  I first tried this in my husband's aunt's house when, lunchtime was almost arriving (well, to be honest, it was actually lunch time!) and we still didn't have any food on the table nor on the stove and since the oven was busy at that time, not even there.    Then she showed me some raw turkey slices (you can also use chicken if that's the one you have like the one in the picture) in the fridge and told me that that was lunch.  Ok, it already took me a long time to get used to the late eating habits in Rome of 13:30 for lunch and 20:30 for dinner.  My tummy grew up being fed at noon and 19:00.  The time difference for a grumbling stomach makes a huge difference.  I forgot that she's Sicilian and in Sicily, they eat much later than in Rome.   You hear rumbling noises from me often when I am there but well, with seriously delicious food laid down in front of me, my growling tummy is always appeased. 

This meal looks so simple but since the chicken are soaked in a mixture of lemon, oregano & extra virgin oil after cooking, the strong flavors are all absorbed completely.  I can eat this over and over again.  Delicious when accompanied with orange & lettuce salad with mustard vinaigrette and white pizza (or any bread).  The whole meal takes about 20 minutes to complete.

I also develop recipes for SheKnows.com.  The recipes I submit to them can be accessed from their site.  I thought of sharing the sneak peek here then direct you to the recipe with a link.

Step over at She Knows and check out this recipe. You can also find a list of my other recipes in their site by clicking on this link.

Buon appetito!

You'll find this recipe at She Knows and you can also find a list of my other recipes with them in this link.
Buon appetito!
- See more at: http://www.apronandsneakers.com/#sthash.kqQHS6WO.dpuf
You'll find this recipe at She Knows and you can also find a list of my other recipes with them in this link.
Buon appetito!
- See more at: http://www.apronandsneakers.com/#sthash.kqQHS6WO.dpuf
You'll find this recipe at She Knows and you can also find a list of my other recipes with them in this link. - See more at: http://www.apronandsneakers.com/#sthash.kqQHS6WO.dpuf

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