Baked Whole Fish and Potatoes With Rosemary and Paprika

When I buy fish, I like them whole and fresh because all the flavors ooze out and blend with the cooking.  A filleted fish is good but a whole fish is a totally different thing. It entails more work to debone the cooked fish especially with two small kids to feed but I don't make that impede me because seeing them pick their forks and eat compensates for the work.  Nothing can be more nutritious than serving the fish this way using minimal ingredients. 

I also develop recipes for  The recipes I submit to them can be accessed from their site.  I thought of sharing the sneak peek here then direct you to the recipe with a link.

Step over at She Knows and check out this recipe. You can also find a list of my other recipes in their site by clicking on this link.

Enjoy your week!

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