Maccheroni al Ferretto Pasta With Salsiccia & Funghi Porcini

I have a penchant for pasta that is not commonly found in every Italian's cupboard.  Being in Italy, the pasta packets take up most of one cupboard space. Fusilli, penne, spaghetti and the list goes on. But time & again, I encounter something unfamiliar & try it.

Maccheroni al ferretto originated from the southern Calabrian region of Italy. They are done manually with durum wheat, flour & water and are wrapped around a thin wire.  When the pasta reaches the desired 6 cm. length, the wire is then extracted.

I got this recipe from the package of the pasta itself.  

Maccheroni al Ferretto Pasta With Salsiccia & Funghi Porcini

Serves 4
  • 400 grams maccheroni al ferretto pasta (Or any similar type of pasta will do.)
  • 250 grams / 3 salsiccie (sausages)
  • 300 grams funghi porcini (Cep, porcino or penny bun in English.  I used dried mushrooms instead of fresh ones that the recipe asked for.)
  • 425 grams / 1 canned tomatoes
  • 1 onion, chopped
  • 1 glass white wine
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • salt & pepper

Preparing the sauce:
Sautè the onions.  Add the funghi porcini when they start to sizzle.  The dried funghi porcini has to be soaked in tepid water at least half an hour before cooking, then drained & lightly squeezed to send away the remaining liquid.  Cook for 5 minutes.

Take away the sausage meat from their casings.  Sautè them along with the mushrooms & onions. When the meat turns brownish, add the white wine.  Put the flame higher to make the alcohol evaporate.

After the alcohol evaporates, add the tomato sauce.  Let it boil.  Put down the flame after it boils.  Simmer for 30 minute.  Make sure the sauce doesn't dry out.  When you see it drying out, add some water from the pot of water boiling meant for the pasta.  Add salt & pepper.  The Italian salsiccie are already salted so I put very little salt if needed. 

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