Fun Kiddie Meals 3

I know that spring is finally arriving when my son starts taking home wild daisies.  To say that I'm happy receiving his handpicked wildflowers is an understatement.  Flowers don't last long so I try to capture the moments with photographs.  They almost always look the same but I remember the details that come along with them.

During the weekend, he bought a honey dew melon.  When out in the market or supermarket, he chooses his own fruits & goodies (or badies from the parents' point of view).  I don't know how, but he manages to choose the ones that are off-season.  Aside from being insipid, they are also more expensive.  But you can't argue with a kid who wants to eat fruits. 

I prepared the melon with a nautical theme and partnered it with speck, smoked ham from Italy's Alto Adige and white pizza. 

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