Le Méridien Visconti Hotel of Rome Opens For Summer Dining

Rome is finally in full splendor with the Mediterranean summer days ahead. The month of May may have been atypically cold, wet and gray but as the first of June stepped in, the sun finally came out with the blue skies and warm temperature. Le Méridien Visconti Hotel proposes summer dining on its ground floor courtyard and indoor lounge, the Longitude 12 Bar & Bistrot and its rooftop terrace, the Rooftop 7 Terrace.

The kitchen is directed by Chef Massimo Orsini who prepared a new menu composed of entries that keep the Italian gastronomic tradition with a flair of originality, while maintaining simplicity. Starting with helping out in making fresh pasta in his family's restaurant, he has always reserved special interest in the kitchen ever since childhood. Born in 1966 in Latina, a city in the south of Rome, he moved to the capital in 2008 when he decided to enter the culinary world where he had the opportunity to collaborate with the prestigious kitchens of Michelin-starred restaurants in 5-star luxury hotels namely Chef Heinz Beck at the Rome Cavalieri Waldorf Astoria Resort and Chef Oliver Glowig at the Aldrovandi Villa Borghese

Now handling his own kitchen at the centrally located luxury hotel of Le Méridien Visconti Hotel, he proposes a cuisine that is strongly linked to the genuine aromas and flavors of his roots and land that the local products can truly offer. Quality, passion and simplicity are the essential ingredients that characterize his kitchen.

The menu entries follow the seasonality of the ingredients so they change according to the season changes. For the spring menu, you will find appetizers (€14 - €18) like Courgette Blossom Filled with Anchovies from Cantabrian Sea and Buffalo Mozzarella and Caprese Salad with Heirloom Tomatoes and Buffalo Mozzarella, first dishes of pasta and risotto (€15 - €16) like the “Spaghetto Ajo e Ojo” by Il Convivio with Garlic, Oil, Pepper, Roman Pecorino Cheese, Red Prawns, Lemon, Mint, Artichokes and Almond Flakes, main courses of seafood and meat (€19 - €20) like Pistachio-Crusted Wild Salmon with Endives and desserts (€8 - €10) like Puff Pastry with Chantilly Cream and Red Berries. 

The Roof 7 Terrace, open daily with different themed evenings like Thursday night barbecue of meat and seafood while on Mondays, Thursdays and Sundays, live music will be provided to the guests. 

Le Méridien Visconti Hotel

Via Federico Cesi, 37

00193 Rome, Italy

Tel: +39 06 3684

Email: info@lemeridienviscontirome.com

Website: www.lemeridienviscontirome.com 

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lemeridienviscontirome/

Longitude 12 Bar & Bistrot: Open daily for lunch and dinner
Roof 7 Terrace: Open daily for dinner

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