Esprit Chef Dinner with Korean Fusion Dishes in Rome, Italy

The two-week Italian journey of the eleven talented young Korean chefs of Esprit Chef concluded in Rome after their culinary tour in Tuscany, Emilia-Romagna, Veneto and Puglia. The capital is the final stage of their traveling itinerary that has led them to discover the genuine Italian cuisine and find new inspiration in creating more innovative dishes.

The Istituto Culturale Coreano (Korean Cultural Institute) of Rome organized a series of events wherein the eleven young chefs demonstrated their exemplary skills in interpreting the fusion of Korean and Italian cuisines. On the 5th of June 2019, at the Grand Palace Hotel in Rome, the eleven chefs prepared an impressive spread of fusion Korean dishes with touches of Italian flavors. 

The Dinner Menu:

Fermented Persimmon
Korean Hotdog
Potato Fritelle
Tuna Tartare
Spicy Scallop
Smoked Beef with Seasoned Buskwheat Spaghetti
Fried Aubergine and Ragù
Chicken and Ginseng Soup
Daikon Kimchi in Water
Oxtail in Bulgogi Sauce
Rice Seasoned with Chili Paste
Jenju Orange Dessert
Macaron with Sesame Paste
Cinnamon Punch
Rice Drink
Chrysanthemum Tea

Esprit Chef is a culinary school in Seoul, Korea that was founded in 2013 where young people learn the proper techniques and methods of cooking. From 2015, Chef Jung Woo Sung took the lead of the Esprit Chef. It is a meeting place where under 30 youths are united by their passion for cooking, and where professional chefs who undertake new and interesting culinary courses. They have also participated in a number of famous international competitions including the Korean National Cooking and Pastry Team.

They have given life to pop restaurants wherein Korean fusion dishes were born from the synthesis of the typical Korean flavors with those of the other international cuisines particularly French and Italian. Over time, the Esprit Chef pop restaurants have enjoyed huge success locally and globally as they spread out more and more throughout Korea and around the world.

Istituto Culturale Coreano

Via Nomentana, 12

00161 Rome, Italy

Tel: +39 06 441663

Esprit Chef

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