Vanilla Gelato with Crème de Cassis, Lingonberry Syrup, Fresh Berries and Mint

The refrigerator had been continuously full lately because I had a lot of recipes queueing to be cooked and photographed. I try not to waste ingredients so I make sure that I get to cook the recipes that use the same ingredients together on the same day (I wish!), maximum 2 (more realistic) or even 3 days (hoping the ingredients resist to stay fresh). The thing is, my main concern is how to keep the contents from tumbling out when we open the door.

I just finished the recipes using the different berries and since I still had a lot to deal with, a couple of boxes of gelato alla vaniglia in the freezer are waiting to be opened, and most of all, the desire to have big scoops of gelato had been looming on top of my head as soon as spring started to peek out, I just had to compose this favorite of mine after a good grilled salmon and orange salad lunch. My husband's aunt was staying in our house and she declined any dessert after her fruit but when she saw the bowls of gelato with the berries and fresh mint from the garden that I was preparing in front of her, she raised the white flag and surrendered to an ample bowl of delicious dessert. It's my favorite gelato dessert that I always have in South Tyrol (minus the lingonberry syrup and crème de cassis).

It's that great time again in the kitchen. It is spring and I feel exhilarated because I think that it is the best season for cooking (or just putting together) light and healthy meals using fresh ingredients. I hope you like this one. This is my favorite quick dessert and if you happen to be in my home, you are most welcome to have it too. Enjoy your day!

More Gelato Desserts:

Vanilla Gelato with Crème de Cassis, Lingonberry Syrup, Fresh Berries and Mint

Serves 1

  • 1 large scoop gelato alla vaniglia or vanilla ice cream
  • 1/3 cup fresh berries
  • 2 tablespoons lingonberry syrup
  • 1 tablespoon crème de cassis
  • Fresh mint leaves
  1. In the ice cream bowl, scoop the gelato then top with the berries.
  2. Pour the lingonberry syrup and crème de cassis then garnish with the mint.
  3. Serve immediately.

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