Grilled Polenta with Caramelized Peaches

It seems that my favorite line lately is "Why not?". When I think of what recipes to create and then I come up with strange combinations, I often challenge myself with why not? Anything and everything is worth a thought and simple planning. It can work or it can also fail. Like what I always say, I welcome failures because that is the only confirmation I have not that what I did was wrong and it is something that I will not repeat, ever, again.

I had been thinking of making some new dessert recipes and since I love whipping up desserts using fresh seasonal fruits, I had grown fixated with our constant supply of peaches in the kitchen. Polenta and peaches, why not? Normally, I would make my own polenta from scratch using the polenta flour that cooks for 40 minutes instead of the 15-minute one. Yes, for some odd reason, I like to torture my right arm in stirring for almost an hour. But lo and behold, I used the precooked polenta brick for this one. I guess my right arm had been tortured enough. I discovered that shortcuts are not bad at all. If I grill the polenta, the precooked ones are not bad at all because not only do they retain a perfect compact shape, they cut the time in cooking by more than half. But I still wouldn't trade the ones I stir for 40 minutes if I am not grilling them and just want normal polenta.

The only drawback in using precooked polenta is that you cannot control the saltiness of the product that you are buying. So be vigilant in the salt content, the less salt there is, the better it is for this dessert.  Or, just make it from scratch. 

What can I say about this dessert? Does finishing a serving for two in one swift sitting say anything to you? It was actually a serving for four that my husband and I divided between us and we flattened out the plate in record time. Caramelizing the peaches with port wine gave quite an incredible flavor. If you don't have any, use any kind of straw wine or brandy or nothing at all if you are not into cooking with alcohol. If you are not a big polenta fan, you can also use these peaches in ice cream or yogurt. You will love them too!

I created this Grilled Polenta with Caramelized Peaches recipe for She Knows so please check it out there. For more recipes that I made, click on the link to my Profile Page. Enjoy your weekend!

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