Turkey Fillet with Prosciutto and Parmigiano Reggiano

First day of school. It's monumental for every parent. And to commemorate such a day, I take snapshots of my exasperated kids. Mom, pictures again? *Sigh* As we take them to school, with the first day butterflies fluttering in their tummies, we unknowingly soothe their nerves with the mere touching of their hands (My son refused to give his hand to me because he's too old he says!) and giving words of encouragement. We forget that it is also terrifying for them to start another year with more expectations from them, more difficult subjects to deal with, old friendships to rekindle and new areas to explore. My kids try to put up a confident front but I know that behind those saucer-like eyes, thinned lips and silence is apprehension of starting a new schoolyear again.

My husband and I took both our kids to school yesterday along with a lot of parents. It was a mass confusion of activities around the school. Cars were parked in every imaginable space without order, parents were after their kids, kids were running everywhere, toddlers were crying. It was surreal. And we joined the scene reluctantly. Choice was not in our hands yesterday morning. We had two kids to take safely to their classrooms.

And along with every monumental first day of school is a perk for every stay-at-home-mom. SILENCE. I had 4 full hours of complete silence at home that I was able to spend for myself. At least for a while until reality knocked me out from my brilliant thoughts of selfishness. I used the time to catch up on delayed work in the kitchen. I cooked in silence, with no interruptions. It had been months since I last worked like that. It was beautiful.

This is one of my back-to-school lunch menus at home. The kids' tummies are usually screaming for food as soon as they arrive home and this is one of the fastest (but very good anyway) that I can come up with. If you prep the turkey's coatings beforehand, preparing this for lunch would be even faster. 

I'm sure this will be a hit. After all, everyone loves turkey, ham and cheese! Buon appetito!

Turkey Fillet with Prosciutto and Parmigiano Reggiano


Serves 4

  • 4 turkey fillet
  • Salt
  • Pepper 
  • Flour
  • 1 egg, lightly whisked
  • Breadcrumbs
  • Extra virgin olive oil (or olive oil)
  • 4 slices of prosciutto crudo (or any tasty ham)
  • 4 tablespoons of parmigiano reggiano

  1. Sprinkle salt & pepper on the turkey.
  2. Coat the turkey with flour on both sides.  Shake off excess.
  3. Dip in the bowl of the whisked egg.  Shake off excess.
  4. Coat with breadcrumbs on both sides. Shake off excess.
  5. In a saucepan with extra virgin olive oil over medium heat, brown both sides of the turkey.
  6. When they are cooked, put them on a plate with paper towels to absorb the excess oil. Transfer the turkey to a baking pan.
  7. On top of each slice of turkey, place a prosciutto then sprinkle with 1 tablespoon of parmigiano reggiano on each.
  8. Cook in a pre-heated oven of 200°C until the parmigiano reggiano melts.

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