Chocolate Oatmeal and Caramelized Bananas

I don't know with you but I grew up with oatmeal in the morning, sometimes even in the afternoon and well, okay, I admit, also before sleeping.  I just simply love it plain or chocolate-flavored.  My Mom made sure that we were always well-stocked with them because they're the best thing a kid can get addicted to.  It's booming with healthy goodness!

Sad thing is, the kids didn't inherit Mom's healthy child addiction.  I have yet to convince my two oatmeal non-eaters to give it a chance.  This was a product of one of my coaxing tactics to make them eat it.  Full of chocolaty goodness and caramelized bananas topping it.  They gave the teaspoons I gave them a try but I, instead, sat down and enjoyed a whole bowl (and a bit more) for breakfast.  For the oatmeal lovers out there like me, here's to us!

For the recipe, hop on over to She Knows where I develop recipes too.  Click on this link to take you there.  If you want to see the full list of recipes I have developed for them, click on this link too.  

I've been working like crazy these past days to catch up on work and to advance some more work because I am leaving for Asia next week.  I hope to post more original recipes here pretty soon just like the old times.  Meantime, have a wonderful week!

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