Asparagus, Chive Flowers & Fava Bean Salad With Apple Slaw

Inspiration is hard to come by at times.  I sometimes draw a complete blank for days when I stare at the computer squeezing my mind for a trickle of ideas or just some thoughts about what I have to do.  When that happens to me, I close the computer, go out and try to live life outside the realm of my blog, my writing and creating recipes.  I take it as a hint to stop and smell the roses.  After all, time will not stand still for me until I come up with a flow of bright ideas while I stay immobile in front of a blaring screen.  The clock continues its ticking and there's no better way to spend it than looking at the real world, touching real things, sniffing the air and tasting new things. I took a little break from blogging, explored Rome, tasted what the city is bragging about and best of all, held the hands of my husband and kids and enjoyed what I usually miss when I am at work. 

Summer officially started for us.  The temperature has started to climb and both kids are off from school unofficially.  They still have a few days to go if they want to but there's more fun for them to play in our garden together, get dirty and just be like kids than staying in a hot classroom, separated.  I believe that the best and most memorable times in a person's life is spending summer vacations in the company of friends and siblings exploring in the garden.  My mind still dwells a lot on how my summer vacations were spent exploring so many interesting things in our garden with people who mattered.  I had a simple and happy childhood and I wish the same for my two kids.

I believe that the dishes I create have a little touch of how I am.  I love simplicity in food but boasting with good, quality ingredients.  If there's another thing that I would like to teach my children, it's appreciating healthy food that will make them grow well.  It's a herculean task to break the walls my daughter has built around her from eating her greens but I will find a hole in that wall and break it from there.  

The fava beans and asparagus are both blanched for just 3 - 5 minutes, cooled then mixed with some baby lettuce leaves and chive flowers.  What makes this salad interesting is the addition of the apple slaw.  I hope you enjoy this as much as we did.  It's a wonderful idea for those who want to minimize cooking, and eating healthy and light.

Buon appetito and let the summer begin!

Asparagus, Chive Flowers & Fava Bean Salad With Apple Slaw

Serves 2
  • 1 apple, diced
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice
  • 1 teaspoon mayonnaise
  • 1 teaspoon extra virgin olive oil
  • salt 
  • pepper
  • 300 g. fava beans, blanched
  • 200 g. asparagus, chopped & blanched
  • lettuce
  1. Mix the apples, lemon juice, extra virgin olive oil, mayonnaise, salt & pepper in a bowl.
  2. In the serving bowl, put together the lettuce, asparagus and fava beans.  
  3. Top with the apple slaw & chive flowers.

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