Truffle Tagliatelle with Chanterelle Mushrooms (Tagliatelle al Tartufo con Finferli) and Dolomites Hiking Trails

Sometimes I wonder why in the world we hike up the mountains and call it "enjoyment" Come to think of it.  We kill our leg and back muscles, we have to put up to our 6-year old's complaints from the first step until the last (even if he is undeniably the strongest and fastest among all of us), my husband sometimes carry the backpack carrier with our 2-year old in it, while I carry all our essentials on my back and most of all, we risk our lives going through the steep trails. 

It is the feeling of accomplishment that we hiked all the way from one rifugio (mountain shelter) to another or finished a trail that keeps us going. And being the parents of two kids who hike with us give us a sense of pride and unity. 

It's amazing how these trails we're trudging on, have seen so many years of my husband's growth from a child to a young man.  He took me here, and we both hiked the same trails he did when he was growing up.  A third member to our little family came and he too enjoyed the hikes we did, barking all the way up and down the trails, pushing us to go on when we slow down. 

I gave birth to our fourth member, our son, who joined our hikes too, carried by my husband on his back when he couldn't walk yet and showed us how he could keep up with us when he learned to walk, then run.  He's a strong kid, sometimes keeping up with the adults we meet along the trails. 

And we arrive to the the last member of our family, our daughter, who is also showing great interest in the mountains and keeping up with us in walking.  We tend to be slower than the rest because of the little steps our daughter makes but nevertheless, we hike together as a family, keeping our walks memorable. Maybe when their turns as parents come too, they will continue coming here.

The past days had been strangely hot here.  The other day, the temperature even reached more than 30 degrees Celsius with the sun beating down on us while walking.  It was not really the ideal temperature to hike but there are so many places to see with very little time.  We always think that two weeks is a lot but it's never really enough to do everything that we want to. 

Here are some pictures I did while hiking in the areas of Fanes in Cortina d'Ampezzo and the trail of Rifugio Scotter to Rifugio San Marco in San Vito di Cadore.

Sometimes, we pass by a panificio (bread shop) to have our panini (sandwiches) made and packed for a picnic or sometimes we eat in a rifugio.  

Tagliatelle ai funghi (taglietelle with mushrooms) is a common pasta in this area because of the abundance of mushrooms.   It's one of the dishes I usually prepare while on holiday here, as well as risotto ai funghi (mushroom risotto).

Before going back to the chalet the other day, I got some freshly picked finferli (chanterelle mushrooms) and I cooked a simple tagliatelle ai funghi using tagliatelle with truffles for a change.

I hope you all enjoyed your weekend like I did.  Until the next post!

Truffle Tagliatelle with Chanterelle Mushrooms 

(Tagliatelle al Tartufo con Finferli )

Serves 4
  • 250 grams finferli (chanterelle mushrooms)
  • salt
  • 350 - 400 grams tagliatelle (regular or al tartufo)
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • 2 cloves garlic, crushed
  • handful of parsley, finely chopped
  • 1/2 glass white wine
  • pepper
  • parmigiano reggiano, grated
  1. Rinse the mushrooms under the faucet then soak for 30 minutes.  Drain and discard the water.
  2. Boil water for the pasta.  When it boils, add some salt.  Then add the tagliatelle and cook following the number of minutes suggested in the package.
  3. Meanwhile, as soon as you put the water for the pasta on the fire, sautè the garlic in a saucepan with extra virgin olive oil.
  4. When they color, add the mushrooms in medium - high fire.
  5. Toss the mushrooms.  When the liquid is starting to evaporate, about 10 minutes, pour the wine.  
  6. Let the alcohol evaporate for about 5 minutes then season with salt & pepper.  
  7. When you see that the sauce is starting to dry up, put down the fire.
  8. Cook for another 5 minutes then sprinkle with parsley.  Turn off the fire.
  9. Mix the cooked tagliatelle with the mushrooms.  Sprinkle with the grated parmigiano reggiano before serving.

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