Pizza with Ricotta, Strawberries & Chocolate / Nutella

"Jot this down before I forget."   

"Ricotta, fragole e Nutellla o cioccolato sulla pizza bianca."  (Ricotta, strawberries & Nutella or chocolate on white pizza.)

I obediently wrote down what my husband dictated to me.  I looked at him questioningly.  He arrived like a whirlwind at home balancing a big pizza box that he took home for our lunch.  He explained that while he was getting our pizza, the owner gave a slice of pizza with these toppings to a friend who arrived.  He asked if there is still some more and the owner informed him that he made it for his kids which they finished immediately and that was the  last slice.   My poor guy went out of the pizzeria disappointed but over the short drive home, he thought of a solution.   His wife would prepare it for him. 

We were at the supermarket today and he reminded me about the pizza I am supposed to make.  I was amused.  Here I was trying to empty the fridge because I am leaving on a trip to France tomorrow with my daughter on a girls week out while he and our son would be going away too in their own boys week out.  I was stuck with a whole load of strawberries to be consumed within the remaining hours of the day.  It was stressful.  I managed to almost deplete them by making about 2 liters of drinks. I have the rest slated for smoothies tomorrow before we leave for the flight.  Does this ever happen to you?  It's like I am always running towards fresh food depletion these days.  

Up till now, I really don't know how my husband and son are going to spend their week without us. They are planning on camping, biking, going to the beach, going to the cinema and a whole load of things.  I wonder if they can fit all their plans for a week.  I offered to cook some food that I can freeze for them and in unison, they told me, "No!"  I have a feeling these two will stuff themselves with pizza all week. They are actually looking forward to it.  Sigh.

Let's go back to the pizza.  I made two versions. One with Nutella and another one with chocolate cream sauce. When dribbled with the chocolate sauce, the pizza was good but lacked luster in taste. The Nutella, on the other hand, was the one that was able to complete the overall taste.

This pizza is wonderful for a snack or even for dessert.

Until the next post .... from France!

Pizza with Ricotta, Strawberries & Chocolate / Nutella

For 6 square slices
  • white pizza (For the recipe, please refer to this link.)
  • 250 g. ricotta
  • handful of fresh strawberries, halved or quartered
  • 100 g. chocolate, chopped finely
  • 25 ml. cream
  • 1 teaspoon sugar
  • 50 g. Nutella
  • 6 small mint leaves (optional)

White Pizza:

  1. For this recipe, I used the pizza bianca (white pizza) that I bought at the pizzeria serving pizza al taglio (pizza by the slice).   Pizza bianca is a type of bread using the pizza dough, topped with salt, extra virgin olive oil and sometimes rosemary sprigs.   Follow this recipe on how to make white pizza and make it thicker to attain a soft, thick pizza.  If you are buying it, don't get the one with the rosemary.   

Chocolate Cream Sauce:

  1. Prepare a waterbath.  Pour water in a saucepan.  Put a smaller saucepan on top that can hold on the sides.  
  2. Put 50 g. of chopped chocolate in the smaller saucepan and move frequently until it melts.  
  3. Add the cream.
  4. Cook 3 minutes more.
  5. Turn off fire and let it cool.


  1. Prepare a waterbath.  Pour water in a saucepan.  Put a smaller saucepan on top that can hold on the sides.  
  2. Put Nutella in the smaller saucepan and move frequently until it melts.  

Composing the Pizza:

  1. Spoon ricotta on the pizza.
  2. Put the sliced strawberries on the ricotta.
  3. Drizzle with chocolate cream or softened Nutella.  
  4. Sprinkle with chopped chocolate.  
  5. Top with mint leaves.


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