Drink Pink at Bererosa 2018 in Rome, Italy

For the seventh year in a row, the 2018 edition of Bererosa arrived in Rome dressing the capital in - PINK! Cucina & Vini, one of Italy's leading gastronomy magazines organized the event at Palazzo Brancaccio in Rome. The palace was built in 1880 in the heart of the Eternal City by Prince Salvatore Brancaccio, exponent of one of the most ancient and illustrious families of the Neapolitan patriarch. Wine producers from southern Italy all the way up to the north showcased their rosè wines made with a diversity of indigenous and international grape varieties.

Italian rosè wines are products of a long-standing wine making tradition in different parts of the country. At present, it is gaining recognition both nationally and internationally for its representation of exceptional quality and the availability of more varied selection of wines. The bright cherry rose color and cherry aromas of Cerasoulo from Montepulciano D'Abruzzo from Abruzzo, central Italy, the refreshing and soft rose colored Chiaretto di Bardolino from Rondinella and Corvina from Veneto, northern Italy, or the different tones of rose and intensity of aromas from the grape varieties of Negroamaro, Bombino Nero and Primitivo from Puglia, southern Italy. There are a lot more and Bererosa was the perfect place to uncover new varieties, aromas and flavors.

With rosè wines, the winemakers are free to express the shade of pink they want as well as the amount of tannins, aromas and flavors they want to impart with the amount of time with the skin contact or saignèe method. The colors range from soft rose, cherry rose, dark rose and then on to the darker tones of copper. Although the characteristics bestowed by the grapes differ from one variety to another, the most prominent feature of most rosès is the lovely berries that they convey both in the nose and in the mouth.

Still and sparkling wines with different tones of pink lined the halls of the palace. For years, the pink wave has been growing across the world and in Italy, the enthusiasm for the rosè wines has been increasing fast too. Served chilled, the rosè wines have found their perfect niche in the summer months and for this reason, the beginning of the warm season was the ideal time to celebrate them. What's better than drinking a  glass of chilled pink wine in a sun-drenched garden?

In this context, Bererosa has been dedicating attention over the past years, to the Italian rosè wines, both still and sparkling. Under one roof, in one day, the Romans get the chance to taste, appreciate and discover new wines from all parts of Italy. Through this event, the attendance of the enthusiastic winelovers, amateurs and experts alike, has grown noticeably especially over the past two editions.  It is noted that the interest of the new generation in their twenties to thirties has become prevalent.

As stated by Francesco D'Agostino, director of Cucina & Vini, the data provided by the French observatory on the market of rosè wines which is handled by CIVP and France Agrimer, confirm that the growth of consumption of rosè wines globally started in 2003. Between 2002 and 2016, the growth was 32%, reaching 24 million hectoliters which represent 10.6% of the consumption of still wines worldwide.

Germane to the context of still wines, in France, 32% have consumed rosè, in Italy the figure is 4% while in the U.S., it is 14% and Germany at 8%. The production of rosè wines in Italy has reached its peak in 2010, exceeding 5 million hectoliters and was ranked as the second largest producer after France, but the largest exporter so far.

As the consumption of rosè wines grows, the Italian producers are experimenting more on new grape varieties and wine making techniques to use. At the Bererosa 2018, like in the previous editions, the pink drink received the well-deserved limelight for the optimum quality of the most recent vintages of the producers.

The participating wineries according to region were:
Abruzzo: Codice Citra, Farnese Vini, Marramiero, Tenuta I Fauri, Zaccagnini
Alto Adige: Kettmeir, Muri Gries
Calabria: Librandi
Campania: Marisa Cuomo, San Salvatore 1988
Emilia Romagna: Cantine Riunite & Civ, Paltrinieri
Lazio: Casale del Giglio, Muscari Tomajoli, Riserva della Cascina, Vigne del Patrimonio, Vini Raimondo
Liguria: Lunae Bosoni
Lombardia: Guido Berlucchi, Cà Maiol, Calatroni, Cola Battista, Ferghettina, Fratelli Berlucchi, Le Marchesine, Uberti
Marche: Marconi Vini, Velenosi Vini
Piemonte: Batasiolo
Puglia: Cantine San Marzano, Cantine Spelonga, Garofano Vigneti e Cantine, Claudio Quarta
In collaboration with the Movimento Turismo del Vino Puglia: D’Alfonso del Sordo, d’Araprì, Produttori Vini Manduria, Rivera, Torrevento, Varvaglione, Vigne&Vini, Vetrère
Toscana: Cecchi, Il Borro, Trentino
In collaboration with Istituto Trento DOC: Altemasi – Cavit, Cantina Roverè della Luna Aichholz, Cantine Ferrari, Cantine Monfort, Cembra Cantina di Montagna, Cesarini Sforza Spumanti, Endrizzi, Letrari, Maso Martis, Maso Nero – Zeni, Moser, Pedrotti Spumanti, Pisoni F.lli, Revì, Rotari, San Michael, Viticoltori in Avio
Umbria: Cantine Briziarelli, Feudi Spada
Veneto: Andreola, Astoria, Le Manzane, Bortolomiol, Conte Collalto, Masottina, Villabella   

Accompanying the wines in the tastings are four interesting gastronomic proposals:
Il Maritozzo Rosso of Edoardo Fraioli, a very popular restaurant that makes salty versions of the Roman delicacy maritozzo filled with an original selection of tasty fish and meat fillings.
Meglio Fresco Pescheria of Arturo and Maria, for a selection of their raw seafood products as well as a wide selection of cooked dishes.
Meraviglie in Pasta, a fresh pasta laboratory in Zagarolo that proposes its creations in the fried version.
Sandro Tomei Selezioni Gastronomiche of Sandro Tomei, wherein a vast selection of excellent gastronomic delights are offered like pizza, cold cuts, hotdogs, and cheeses.

Also for this edition, the partnership continues with Diam Bouchage, a leading company in the production of technical corks as well as with ORO Caffè, a company that specializes in the selection, roasting and blending of single origins of the best coffee of the world.

Bererosa 2018

3 July 2018
Palazzo Brancaccio
Viale del Monte Oppio, 7
Rome, Italy


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