Clementine Mascarpone Cake

I don't bake so much but when I do, I make it like how I imagine it to be. First off, no cream. I don't like them so I avoid covering my cakes with them. Italian birthday cakes are usually covered with cream so it's always a struggle for me to scrape off half of the cake away. It's a pity because I see how everyone raves about how good it is. What I like is the homemade ones - simple, with just a good sprinkling of icing sugar  or some fruits to decorate them with.

For that, I always imagine my cake to be completely covered with fruits, mint, chocolates or whatever it is that's connected with the ingredients that I made the cake with. With this cake, clementines were foremost in my mind because it's still everywhere in the fruit stands and well, I absolutely adore clementines. It's a good enough reason to bake a cake using them.

I had this for breakfast, dessert and snacks. I practically had it the whole day. Sitting in its corner on top of the kitchen counter, it was impossible not to miss it everytime I enter the room, especially with its sunshiny orange color catching my attention. Besides, since it has mascarpone it it, it has to be consumed fast because it doesn't last long. A cake like this is meant to enjoyed bite after bite with its aromatic citrusy clementine flavor. The cake itself already has a slight trace of clementine taste and when drizzled with the clementine syrup, the flavor intensifies to a determined delicious flavor of the fruit. Don't forget the syrup. It seals the taste to a greater level.

You can find this recipe in She Knows, a site where I create recipes and where you can get lost with the vastness of other interesting topics other than food.  If you click on this link, it will take you to the recipe whereas if you click on this link, it will take you to my profile page there where you can explore the other recipes I made for them. 

Thanks and have a wonderful week!

More Recipes With Clementines:

Almond Panna Cotta With Clementine Sauce
Clementine Pork Adobo With Sautèed Green Pea Rice
Buckwheat, Quinoa & Rice Salad With Clementine, Tuna & Tomatoes

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