Pizza Sandwich With Nutella, Coconut & Pistachios

The kids are in the pool now, enjoying the last rays of the summer sun. Another season has passed and this time, it had been too fast for me. Maybe it's because I started it with a full schedule of travels, barely leaving time to sit down and relax at home. It seems like I spent the whole season packing, unpacking and running after time. And speaking of time, I just turned a year older yesterday.

What had been a dreaded line of stepping into middle age already happened last year. It had been a big deal for me and my friends. I remember being in in a childhood friend's house in France last year, speaking through Face Time with other friends from the U.S. & Canada, each of us turning 40 with just a few days of gap between our birthdays and worrying about getting old. Our kids and husbands keep us going. Our friendships from childhood keep us strong and united. The youth in our hearts keeps us young and happy.

Same time, a year after, I am again, in my friend's house in France, speaking about getting a year old. Acceptance of adding another year to our age finally settling well in our minds. Yes, we are getting old and grateful that we reached another year in good health & happiness with our families. And there was another important thing to rejoice about.

Friendship of more than 35 years, from the time we were as little as my own kids. We do live in different countries now but we still manage to keep the friendship going.  Life is enriched with reciprocating relationships. And I am grateful to still have my friends from childhood. And as I watch my own kids go through their years still keeping their old friends, it makes my heart grow fonder because I know the feeling of having people who matter stick with us until we grow old. In a few days, my son will be celebrating his birthday and his only request is to have his four best friends from kindergarten at home.

For this post, I think nothing can be more fitting than this very simple kids' snack of Pizza with Nutella, Coconut & Pistachios. It's to celebrate friendships from childhood to adulthood because what we choose from the time we are kids matter a lot when we take the road towards being an adult. 

The recipe for this pizza can be accessed at She Knows where I also create recipes aside from my blog. Click on this link to go there. If you want to see a complete list of my food & travel articles there, click on this link too. Thank you!

I am still composing my post about my recent Italian & French Riviera trip so visit again soon.  Have a wonderful weekend!

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