Lemon Herb Chicken and Potatoes

Chicken and potatoes rank high on most family tables just like on ours.  The myrhiad ways to prepare them and enjoy them underlines the beautiful marriage of tastes of these two.  I myself love chicken and potatoes, simple, complex, traditional or whatever way it's expressed by the cook.  This one is one of my favorite recipes.  I just use lemon and a mixture of herbs while the chicken and potatoes absorb all the flavors while roasting in the oven.  It gives a nice, homey kitchen smell that permeates the whole house.  It's my welcome home smell.  

For my recipe, you will have to hop on over to SheKnows.com to see it.  Please click on this link.  If you want to see the rest of my recipes in that site, click on this link.   

Please wait for my other recipes and travel posts while I slowly reacquaint myself to working again.  Have a wonderful day from sunny (finally) but still coldish Rome!

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