Amaretti Pancakes With Peaches and Reduced Amaretto Syrup

Here I am with a breakfast recipe experiment gone yummy.  Pancakes are lovely to manipulate with different flavors and blends and when I am bored with my first meal of the day, I tend to browse my cupboards and fridge to look for interesting combinations to put together.  Remember the Banana Pistachio Pancakes With Marsala Syrup, the Hazelnut Pancakes with Roasted Figs & Reduced Marsala Sauce, the Dark Chocolate Pancake & Banana Towers or the Almond Blueberry Pancakes With Godet Chocolate Ganache? There are also other combinations that you might want to check out at my recipe index (under breakfast).  

I like these pancakes.  Even if I used preserved peaches (because peaches are still not in  season), I loved everything about it from the crushed amaretti biscuits that I put together with the flour and the amaretto liqueur that I reduced and poured on the pancakes.  I had a bit of time so I formed them to smaller pieces and piled them up to bite-sized little towers of pancakes.  If you're lazy to do that, just leave them as regular pancakes and enjoy!

My recipe is located at so you will just have to click on this link to go there.  If you want to see the list of recipes that I have been writing for them, click on this link instead.  Thank you!

It's Friday once again.  Buon fine settimana!  Enjoy your weekend!


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