Rome Wine Expo 2023: The Second Edition at the Capital

The second edition of Rome Wine Expo which transpired from 4 to 6 March 2023 at the Grand Hotel Palatino in Rome has ended with success. The annual wine event was organized by Riserva Grande to promote the excellence of the wine culture with tasting counters with the presence of the wine producers of Italy and other countries, and masterclasses conducted by experts of the field.

This year’s edition saw the participation of over 70 wine producers with over 350 labels for tasting and about 1,500 visitors, in which 200 are Horeca and press operators, and a large amount of an enthusiastic public. The event was dedicated not only to the simple enthusiasts, but also to professionals including international buyers, restaurateurs, winemakers, critics and the press.

At the event, not only were there labels from almost all the Italian regions but also a vast representation from Georgia with their historical wines vinified in amphorae under the ground, as well as labels from France. The presence of the PIWI wine producers both from Italy and from the rest of Europe was a highlight thanks to the collaboration with the PIWI International Association, which had already participated in the first edition of the event last year which was the first time in Rome. These wines are produced with grapes called PIWI (pilz-widerstandsfähig in German) or resistant to fungal diseases.


Four in-depth masterclasses were organized on the first two days, which were all filled to full capacity. They were aimed at providing profound understanding of the wines with dedicated themes like the Masterclass on The Zones and Terroirs of Chianti Classico. A Sensorial Journey Through the Heart of Sangiovese conducted by Marco Cum of Grande Riserva and Roberto Stucchi Prinetti of Biodistretto del Chianti. The second was a Masterclass on the Wines of France, The Great Terroirs that Constructed the Legendary Myth: Champagne, Alsace, Loire, Rhone, Bourgogne and Bordeaux, conducted by Marco Cum. 


The Masterclass on Lazio, Between Retrieved Antique Vines and Territories in Evolution conducted by Saula Giusto of Roma Wine Experience and Catia Minghi of Momenti di Vini. An interesting guided tasting with 17 wines of Lazio, all obtained from indigenous grapes, some of which have fascinating stories pertaining to their revival in the vineyards. Lastly, the Masterclass on Iconic Tuscany, Great Terroirs Compared: Bolgheri, Chianti, Chianti Classico, Montalcino, Carmignano, Montecucco, Montepulciano and Maremma which was conducted by Marco Cum. It was a journey through the great Tuscan territories where Sangiovese is represented in various important identities.

The Wine Challenge

In this edition, Riserva Grande has decided to hold a competition within the event. For the entire duration of the event, visitors were given a form at the entrance to be returned duly completed upon exiting, at the reception desk. The visitors were asked to select four labels, considered the best tasted during the event, each falling within the following categories: Best Sparkling Wines РBest White Wines РBest Ros̩ Wines РBest Red Wines РBest Sweet Wines. It should be noted that the vintages of the selected wines are deliberately not mentioned since many producers had several vintages for tasting which, almost entirely, were not described in the compiled forms.

Best Sparkling Wines (White and Rosé)

1. DOCG Franciacorta Coronea Brut – Azienda Agricola Coronea (Lombardia)
2. DOCG Conegliano Valdobbiadene Prosecco Superiore Extra Brut Ergine Millesimato – Castellalta (Veneto)
3. Metodo Classico Pas Dosè Chiaror Sul Masso –  I Carpini (Piemonte)
4. Spumante Rosè Friscur’è Rosé de Noir – Ramaddini (Sicilia)
5. Spumante Moscato Brut Bio Perla Marina – Ramaddini (Sicilia)   
6. EX AEQUO: Spumante Blanc De Blancs – Colmello Di Grotta (FVG); Moscato Giallo. Spumante Brut – Tolomei (Veneto); Spumante Durello Brut – I Campi (Veneto)
9. Prosecco Ros̩ РTolomei (Veneto)
10. EX AEQUO: Vino Frizzante Ancestrale Ononide Rosa – Cantine Bulzaga (Emilia-Romagna); Erbaluce Spumante – La Piemontina (Piemonte); Chardonnay Frizzante – Terre di Rizzato (Veneto); Frizzante Ancestrale – Mastro di Baglio (Sicilia)

Best White Wines

1. Colli Tortonesi Timorasso Brezza D’Estate – I Carpini (Piemonte)
2. Grillo Bio Nassa – Ramaddini (Sicilia)
3. Khikhvi – Kardenakhi 1888 (Georgia)
4. EX AEQUO: Famoso Doronico – Cantina Bulzaga (Emilia-Romagna); Maturano Sotto Le Stelle – I Ciacca Lazio); Unplugged – Le Macchie (Lazio)
5. EX AEQUO: Maturano Nostalgia – I Ciacca (Lazio); Pinot Grigio – Terre di Rizzato (Veneto)
6. EX AEQUO: Sauvignon – Colmello di Grotta (FVG); Malvasia Puntinata Lavente – Emiliano Fini (Lazio); Grechetto Cleto – Emiliano Fini (Lazio); Moscato Secco L’Incompreso – Ca Ed Curen (Piemonte); Sciccherìa – Tenimenti Leone (Lazio); Pecorino – Fattoria Gaglierano (Abruzzo)
7. EX AEQUO: Lugana РI Campi (Veneto); Moscato Bianco Ador̬ РCasa Grazia (Sicilia); Pinot Grigio РColmello di Grotta (FVG); Colline Novaresi Bianco Erbaluce РLa Piemontina (Piemonte); Pinot Nero in Bianco Iris РGravanago (Lombardia); Verdicchio di Matelica РGatti (Marche); Breganze Bianco Rivole РCol Dovigo (Veneto); Frascati Superiore Vigna Ferri РRossi di Medelana (Lazio); Antinoo РCasale del Giglio (Lazio); Soave Classico Campo Vulcano РI Campi (Veneto); Bellone Eughen РCantine il Moro (Lazio)
8. EX AEQUO Doc Roma Bianco Capoccia – Tenimenti Leone (Lazio); Piwi Planties Weiss – St. Quirinius (Alto Adige); Donna Paola – Collepicchioni (Lazio); Trebbiano Verde in Anfora De Coccio – Tenimenti Leone (Lazio); Malvasia Puntinata Conubium – Le Macchie (Lazio); Roma Doc Bianco Malvasia Puntinata – Tenuta Iacoangeli (Lazio)
9. EX AEQUO: Grillo Naturalmente Bio e Catarratto Naturalmente Bio – Caruso & Minini (Sicilia); Bellone Vignalaselva – G.Iachetti (Lazio)
10. EX AEQUO: Catarratto Ramà Bio – Ramaddini (Sicilia); Rkatsiteli – Marbano (Georgia) 

Best Rosé Wines

1. Cerasuolo D’Abruzzo – Fattoria Gaglierano (Abruzzo)
2. Abbuoto Rosato BIO Mamurra – Monti Cecubi (Lazio)
3. Rosato VB44 ’22 – Colli del Vento (Toscana)
4. Merlot Rosato – Terre di Rizzato (Veneto)
5. Rosato Incontro – Ca ed Curen (Piemonte)
6. Coste della Sesia Rosato Rosa Rosarum – Pietro Cassina (Piemonte)
7. Roma Doc Rosato – Borgo del Baccano (Lazio)
8. Cascina delle Rocche di Moncucco di Beppe Scavino (Piemonte)
9. Pinot Nero Rosato Centaurea – Gravanago (Lombardia)
10. Grangeneuve Rosato – Christophe Menges (Francia)

Best Red Wines

1. EX AEQUO: Docg Brunello di Montalcino – Poggio Lucina (Toscana); Saperavi – Marbano (Georgia)
2. EX AEQUO: Nero d’Avola Riserva Patrono – Ramaddini (Sicilia); Barbera Superiore Bruma D’Autunno – I Carpini (Piemonte)
3. EX AEQUO: Docg Ghemme e Vespolina – La Piemontina (Piemonte)
4. Montepulciano Riserva Il Cavaliere – Fattoria Andreassi (Abruzzo)
5. EX AEQUO – Amarone della Valpolicella – Terre di Rizzato (Veneto); Barbera Riserva Fine del Mondo – I Carpini (Piemonte)
6. EX AEQUO: Montecucco Rosso Riserva – 8 Ettari (Toscana); Docg Chianti Classico – La Montanina (Toscana); Cesenese L’Ultimo Baluardo – Le Macchie (Lazio)
7. EX AEQUO: Coste della Sesia Nebbiolo Cá Daj Tass – Pietro Cassina (Piemonte); Cesanese Rene’ – Cantine Il Moro (Lazio); Colline Novaresi Nebbiolo Trama – I Dof Mati (Piemonte); Bonarda La Mossa Perfetta – Gravanago (Lombardia); Docg Brunello di Montalcino – Canalicchio di Sotto (Toscana)
8. EX AEQUO: Ciliegiolo Botrichio – Cantina Bulzaga (Emilia-Romagna); Nero D’Avola Mascaria – Mastro di Baglio (Sicilia); Doc Roma Capomunni – Tenimenti Leone (Lazio); Barbera Mirabilis – Gravanago (Lombardia); Rivale – Podere Borgaruccio (Toscana); Doc Roma Rosso – Borgo del Baccano (Lazio); Rosso di Montalcino – Poggio Lucina (Toscana)
9. EX AEQUO: Montepulciano D’Abruzzo – Fattoria Gaglierano (Abruzzo); Ciliegiolo di Narni Spiffero – Tenuta Cavalier Mazzocchi (Umbria); Petit Verdot – Casale del Giglio (Lazio); Perricone Naturalmente Bio – Caruso & Minini (Sicilia); Cabernet Franc – Tenuta Iacoangeli (Lazio); Ravenna Alicante Spillone – Cantina Bulzaga (Emilia-Romagna)
10. EX AEQUO: Rosso Veronese Italo – Terre di Rizzato (Veneto); Cabernet Sauvignon – Tolomei (Veneto); Saperavi – Bolnisi (Georgia)

Best Sweet Wines

1. EX AEQUO: Vino Cotto Stravecchio – Tiberi David (Marche); Grillo Vendemmia Tardiva Tagos – Caruso & Minini (Sicilia)
2. EX AEQUO: Torcolato – Col Dovigo (Veneto); Moscato Passito di Noto BIO Hamen – Ramaddini (Sicilia)
3. Pasiensa – Ca ed Curen (Piemonte)

Top Wineries

Wineries that have received votes in at least three of the four categories, positioning themselves best in the top 10 positions.
1. Ramaddini (Sicilia)
2. I Carpini (Piemonte)
3. La Piemontina (Piemonte)
4. Fattoria Gaglierano (Abruzzo)     
5. EX AEQUO: Cantine Bulzaga (Emilia-Romagna) e Terre di Rizzato (Veneto)

Rome Wine Expo




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