Proposta Vini, One of the Leading Wine Distributors of Italy, Presented its 2023 Catalogue in Rome

A big participation of 224 producers of wine and 13 of spirits in the presentation of the 2023 Catalogue of Proposta Vini took place between 29 to 30 January 2023 at Nuova Fiera di Roma. The annual appointment that transpired for the first time in Rome after its previous editions in the cities of Parma and Piacenza. It is an important encounter between producers who are present in the catalogue, people in the sales and clients, who are beneficial in the sales and marketing of their products. This year's edition, the Proposta Vini Catalogue 2023 is graced with the illustrations of Giovanna Girardi in the cover. Plus this year, the catalogue is further enriched with 31 new wineries, 19 of which are Italian and 12 foreign. It is a broad vision of the European wine scene thanks to the presence of 252 Italian and 158 foreign producers.

Proposta Vini, established in 1984 by Gianpaolo Girardi, is one of the leading distributors of quality wines throughout Italy. For over 35 years, the company has been selecting wines that are capable of evoking their historical, geographical and cultural contexts, as well as the personality of the producers. Over the years, it has grown with 137 agents operating throughout the national market sharing the sales philosophy that has always distinguished Proposta Vini.

The continuous and careful research of rare and authentic vines and their recovery have led to the creation of various projects over the years that valorize them such as Vini Estremi (Extreme Wines), Vini dell’Angelo (Wines of the Angel), Bollicine da Uve Italiane (Sparkling Wines from Italian Grapes), Vini delle Isole Minori (Wines of the Minor Islands), Vini Franchi (Wines From Ungrafted Vines), Vini Vulcanici (Volcanic Wines), and Vini delle Abbazie (Wines of the Abbeys).

"We work to allow small producers to concentrate on work in the vineyard, delegating all aspects of marketing and distribution: a continuous collaboration with the represented producers," says Andrea Girardi, son of Gianpaolo and co-owner of Proposta Vini. "We set ourselves the goal of giving visibility to quality producers, often very small in size, who do not have the possibility to organize the commercial part, offering channels of national and international visibility," he added.

"The theme of this 2023 edition will be the eclectic Nosiola," declares Gianpaolo Girari, founder of Proposta Vini. "The Proposta Vini catalog contains the most complete and representative assortment of Trentino wines on the market. Inside you will find descriptions of some particularities and peculiarities that concern this province to which, for various reasons, the market has not yet given the right attention. Nosiola is a white grape variety found only in Trentino. It was grown throughout the province but it gave the best results, and does, in the Sarca Valley and on the Avisane hills. At the end of the 19th century the annual production was around 20 hectoliters. It was also called Durel, Gropel Bianc and Noselara. We define Nosiola eclectic for the various winemaking possibilities to which it lends itself and with amazing results: from the sparkling wine to the unsurpassed Vino Santo Trentino."

"The lines followed for the selection of new entries are based on the idea of building a large viticultural and landscape mosaic, where each tile is light and is essential for the construction of a wider image," comments Gianluca Telloli, the Selector. "The key words are complementarity and rediscovery, with an attentive gaze towards all the European wine regions, such as Serbia, Slovenia, Moldavia, Malaga and Bierzo in Spain, La Clape in the south of France, and the bubbles from varieties and places not so known, such as Slovenia, Val Germanasca, Val di Non, Caluso and Monti Lessini. The insights of the projects and the biodiversity of the expressions of the two great Italian varieties Nebbiolo and Sangiovese are important. Finally, the focus on the great Italian territory of Chianti Classico."

Proposta Vini

Address: Via degli Artigiani 16 (Loc. Cirè), 38057 Pergine Valsugana (TN), Italy

Tel: +39 0461 534795

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