Hotel Shangri-La in Rome, Italy: Reopening with Style

When Hotel Shangri-La closed its doors for the last time last 30 July 2017, the capital lost a piece of its modern story because for 47 years, the Romans had a token of memory attached to the elegance and hospitality that the hotel provided. In December 2018, after a year and a half, Hotel Shangri-La opened its doors once again revealing a total new look and identity. The hotel was purchased from the Corsetti family and completely refurbished by the Lo.An Group of the Lazzarini family, hoteliers for over 35 years.

The elegant 4-star hospitality structure has 200 rooms equipped with all the comforts that its guests need and built with impressive architectural elements. Although the hotel is still in the process of putting its final finishing touches, its open doors are already welcoming tourists and Romans to experience for themselves an authentic Italian conviviality, marked by refinement.

Its location is surrounded by greenery in the residential and business district of E.U.R. (Esposizione Universale Roma), the southern part of the city center. In the vicinity are the buildings from the Stile Littorio, an architectural style from the 1930s that's inspired by the large ancient Roman architecture, the most iconic of which is the particularly interesting Palazzo della Civiltà Italiana. At the end of 2019, Shangri-La will open another door in the hotel for its restaurant serving revisited traditional cuisine of the territory.

(All photos from Shangril-La website) 

Hotel Shangri-La

Viale Algeria, 141

00144 Rome, Italy

Tel: +39 06 5916441


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