Trattoria Pennestri in Rome, Italy

In a span of only one year, Italian-Danish Chef Tommaso Pennestri and Argentinian Sommelier Valeria Payero received an immense satisfaction in the restaurant that they opened in Rome last year. Trattoria Pennestri, located in the area of Ostiense, is a restaurant that continues to revive the true concept of the identity of a genuine Roman trattoria where you can eat and drink well and above all, feel relaxed in its warm and cozy Roman ambience. 

Tomasso and Valeria are making an enogastronomic journey wherein both blend their passion for good food at 360° around them with a profound respect for traditional cuisine. After having worked for a long time in the restaurants like Don Alfonso 1890, Sans Souci and Osteria dell'Ingegno, the two shared a simple idea: focalize on the desire to welcome guests warmly and to "feed" them well. It is such an old and essential concept that's valued and interpreted until our present times so it was represented as the starting point of Trattoria Pennestri. Their goal is to become a small point of reference with a sense of simplicity and sincerity in the kitchen for a varied and loyal clientele with which they can develop a solid reciprocal relationship.

In the menu, you can find very familiar flavors of the Roman cuisine using the availability of the ingredients according to the right season. For starters, some of the dishes that you can find in the present menu are: Crema di Fave, Briciole e Asparagi (Cream of fava beans, crumbs and asparagus) at €7, or the Coratella d’Agnello, Buccia di Limone e Ricotta Salata (Lamb Coratella lemon peel and salted ricotta) at €8.

Don't miss a simple and delectable pasta, the Gnocchetti Acqua e Farina, Crema di Scampi e Stracciatella (Water and flour gnocchetti , cream of langoustines and stracciatella cream) at €12 or a delicious expression of Roman spring on the table, the Spaghettoni all’Uovo con Salsiccia e Fave, Menta e Pecorino (Egg spaghettoni with sausage, fava beans, mint and pecorino cheese) also at €12

For a Roman main course, try the Trippa al Sugo, Mentuccia e Pecorino (Tripe in tomato sauce, lesser calamint and Pecorino cheese) at €11. There is also the very tender Maialino al Ginepro, Chutney di Mele e Verdure (Pork with juniper, apple chutney and vegetables) at €16 or perhaps the Petto d’Anatra al Coriandolo e Ristretto al Limone (Duck breast with coriander and lemon reduction) at €16.

To conclude the meal, opt for an explosion of visciole (sour cherry) jam flavored with sage, fill the Crostata di Visciole (sour cherry pie), or the Pane Carasau con Mousse al Cioccolate, Olio Extra Vergine e Sale (Carasau bread with chocolate mousse, extra virgin olive oil and salt) or select other desserts which are all made by the chef and his staff, simple and always fresh.

You will find that the wine list (constantly updated) focuses on the region of Lazio, the area surrounding Rome. Going out of the Lazio borders, there are also some very interesting proposals from different Italian regions, some of indigenous grape varieties, some orange wines or some unfiltered ones.

Trattoria Pennestri has a face of a convivial kitchen, not hasty and never extreme,  no frills but still imaginative, but definitely rewarding. Tradition is not forgotten, it is venerated in the hands of Tommaso and Valeria.

Trattoria Pennestri

Via Giovanni da Empoli, 5
00154 Rome, Italy
Tel: +39 06 5742418
Open from Tuesday to Sunday for dinner and Fridays, Saturdays & Sundays for lunch
Closed on Mondays

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