Bolla su Bolla, Temporary Rimessa Roscioli in Rome, Italy

In every visit to Italy, there is always the desire to taste the food and the wine between sightseeing but with limited time, any traveler would just have to give up a few of the things in his bucket list. That usually means, you go back home with a void in your gastronomic experience of this incredible country. It takes a lot of time to discover Italy from top to bottom because every region, even towns just kilometers apart have something uniquely theirs that has to be appreciated. If you cannot physically hop from place to place then Bolla su Bolla has the perfect solution for you because the best of Italy are housed in one place.

Locally and internationally, Roscioli Salumeria is a well-known family-owned food and wine shop that also works as a small restaurant in Via dei Giubbonari (close to Campo de' Fiori) in the center of Rome. Apart from that, they also have Antico Forno Roscioli, a bakery that is just a few meters away and a coffee shop called Roscioli Caffè a few doors away. But their branching out in the area doesn't stop there because they also have a wine tasting bar called Bolla su Bolla with a temporary address at Piazza di Montevecchio which is exactly 900 meters from Roscioli Salumeria that's about 11 minutes of walking.

Bolla su Bolla is an informal temporary place of Rimessa Roscioli, a project dedicated to food and wine tastings of a vast number of Italian and foreign wine labels paired with exemplary Made in Italy artisan food products. It's a place where your senses are fulfilled with the aromas and flavors of food and wine in a single casual place. 

Rimessa Roscioli has already conducted their food and wine tastings in different prime locations in Rome like the private room of Roscioli Caffè, in La Veranda Restaurant in Hotel Columbus, Colonna Resort Labico, Baja Restaurant and in the Garden of the Basilica of Sant'Alessio.

For now until December 2016, Rimessa Roscioli remains at the address of Bolla su Bolla. At the time of this writing, they are already preparing the next venue where they will continue with their food and wine project. Keep yourself informed by following their Facebook page or visiting their site.

Depending on your needs or on the time that you can allot, they have different kinds of tastings conducted in English (for other language preference, email them). They have Taste & Buy where you can taste a selection of ham, cheese and other artisan food products. Another option is the Wine and Food Tasting Dinner (20:00 to 23:00, €65) where a selected number of wines are paired with Italian food products. They also conduct Themed Tastings where experts for the specific event come to take you on an educational tasting tour to get to know their wine terroirs. If you want the tasting to be customized according to what you want, try the Private Tasting. 

If you want a simpler wine tasting with a more flexible time, between 18:00 until closing time, you can book the Tasting Bar Wine Tasting in which you can specify your preferences and budget with 3 kinds of wines or more with a price starting from €20. They also hold extra virgin olive oil tastings, aperitif tastings, tours of vineyards in the region of Lazio and a number of activities so if you are interested in any of them, visit their site and email them if you need more information.

A few nights ago, I was invited to try their Wine and Food Tasting Dinner to experience one of their frequently fully-booked tastings. On a weeknight, the place was full of wine and craft beer lovers from all over the globe. The atmosphere was friendly and pleasant even if we were among strangers. Whether you are a beginner in wine drinking or a seasoned one, it's a place where you can sit down, drink, enjoy and learn some new things. Discovering new things together and sharing our thoughts on things we are all interested in gave us a common ground to speak about. 

Teo, the sommelier, gave us very interesting backgrounds of the Italian wines and food that we had for the night. There were eight from different Italian regions in the list that were paired with 4 kinds of ham, 6 kinds of artisan cheese, preserved red tuna, fresh pesto from Pra (absolutely delicious - if you can't resist doing the scarpetta, go for it, it's perfectly understandable), a generous plate of mezzemaniche all'Amatriciana and a very big slice of homemade tiramisù. Our ninth bottle which was not in the list, a Claude Cazals Champagne (the only non-Italian wine that night), was served before we commenced with the dinner. 

At Bolla su Bolla, you can also buy the wines and some of the food products you tried then they can mail them straight to your house. Or, if you want a broader range of products, you can visit Salumeria Roscioli, their food and wine shop / restaurant at  Via dei Giubbonari, 21/22.

It is a sensory experience of wine and food pairings. A warm, comfortable, fun and dynamic place, full of made in Italy delicacies and interesting Italian and foreign labels.
- Rimessa Roscioli

Bolla su Bolla / Rimessa Roscioli

Piazza di Montevecchio, 17
Rome, Italy
Tel: +39 333 7780024 / +39 333 8044771 / +39 06 45652770

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