Suburra 1930: Traditions and Italian Liquors 2018 in Rome, Italy

After the success of the first season, Assagi di Cucina e Miscele (Tastes of Kitchen and Mixtures) returns to Suburra 1930 again. Suburra 1930 is a restaurant and cocktail bar with an Art Deco style featuring geometric shapes, bold designs, clean lines, vibrant patterns and colors. It is housed in two floors with an open kitchen and a delightful outdoor terrace on one of the little squares of the Monti district. In summer, it is a splendid place to stay for a drink or a bite right in the small piazza of one of Rome's most historical and oldest areas.

Proprietors Mauro and Lorenzo have made Suburra 1930 an intimate and convivial living room where they welcome both the loyal Roman customers and the tourists visiting the city. Chef Alessandro Miotto proposes an eclectic menu where the choices are tasty and original, ranging from dishes of the Roman tradition to the usage of spicy aromas and flavors from different parts of the world. Alessandro's food proposals can be accompanied by drinks that are prepared by the Suburra 1930 bartenders made concocted especially to fit the flavors and aromas of the kitchen.

The second season of Assagi di Cucina e Miscele will be dedicated to cooking and drinks like the first one. There will be four evenings, between 18:30 to 23:00 between February and May 2018 committed to a theme each evening comprising of four tasting dishes that will be paired with four kinds of cocktails. The price for each event is €18 per person. See Suburra 1930 - Liquors and Kitchen in Rome, Italy, the first season of events at Suburra 1930.

27 February 2018: Tradizioni e Liquori Italiani  
(Traditions and Italian Liquors)
The theme of Italian tradition will be highlighted in this special evening. There are 3 savory tasting dishes and a dessert from the kitchen influenced by the Roman cuisine that will be accompanied by 4 cocktails made with genuine Italian liqueurs. 

20 March 2018: Cacao in Piatto e Rum
(Cocoa in the Dish and Rum)
Cocoa, an amazing and versatile ingredient, will the highlight of the evening. Three savory tasting dishes as well as the dessert will have cocoa as an ingredient and the dishes will be paired with cocktail drinks based on rum. 

17 April 2018: BaccalĂ  e Gin
Salted Cod and Gin
An ingredient of the Roman cuisine which is very dear to Suburra 1930's chef is the salted cod. The salted cod will be the protagonist of the variations that he will be preparing for the night. There will be 3 salty tasting dishes and 1 sweet plate to be served with cocktails made with gin, an international liquor used often in alcoholic drinks.

22 May 2018: Street Food e Fizz
(Street Food and Fizz)
The theme for the evening will be strictly street food. There will be 3 salty tasting dishes and a dessert that will be accompanied by 4 fizz cocktails, variations of alcoholic drinks with carbonated water and acidic juice.

Suburra 1930

Piazza Suburra 13 - 15
Rome, Italy
Tel: +39 0648905713

Open daily from 18:00 to 2:00
Saturdays and Sundays: Open for lunch too, 12:00 to 15:30 

Where to Get Drinks in Rome:

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