Banana, Rum and Coconut Blizzard

I'm sill here! It's been a couple of weeks since I've last written a blog post. It's for a very good reason because I am on a holiday with my family. I have been going around Slovenia, Croatia and some northern parts of Italy for the past days and I am currently on my last leg at the Dolomite mountains until next week. After working endlessly in my blog for five years, I decided to dedicate a little bit of time for my family and that means to lessen my blogging time for a few days. However, with this trip, I have collected a lot of topics to write about. New places to speak about and new experiences. If you have been following me in my social network accounts, especially Facebook, you will see what I had been seeing. But for now, I chose this simple fruity cocktail to share with you because the right season calls for it.

Summer season has officially started in Europe and the holiday places have started to open again for the season. Being still in June, I guess that I have to say that we are at the head of the pack. The water in the beach is still cold and calls for courage to dip in (I did!) but staying on a lounge chair under the sun is pure bliss - and it calls for something cold, fresh and fruity to drink. 

This Banana, Rum and Coconut Blizzard is a very simple cocktail to prepare using fresh bananas, lots of ice, coconut milk and another kind of vegan-friendly milk plus the best part - a dash of rum to make the cocktail complete. I do hope that you will enjoy it. Enjoy this recipe while I continue with my holiday at the Dolomites! I will be back soon or follow me in Facebook to see what I have been doing. Ciao!

For the recipe of this Banana, Rum and Coconut Blizzard, you can get it a She Knows, a site where I write recipes. Check out my Profile Page for more recipes.

More Summer Fruity Cocktails:


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