Veal Piccata al Marsala and Lemon Mashed Potato Quenelles

"Who's sick this time?" is the guessing game we have at home when the sun rises.  Because of this, I lost kitchen control over the past days.  If you are curious to know, I was the winner in the number of sick days alternating with my small daughter then her big brother.  I had been in bed again, with a temperature.  I was able to prepare our lunch the other morning complete with a freshly baked bread then when afternoon came., zing!  I was waving the white flag from the bed, under 3 thick wool blankets and still shivering.  Sigh.  Hello fever, missed me much?

When fever strikes, it knocks me down on the bed.   I envy my kids who, with fevers of 39 Celsius are still running around the house.   One thing that makes staying in bed special is that my 3-year old daughter makes sure I stay with company.  So here I am confined on my side of the bed because the other side is full and occupied by her and her furry animal toys who share my blanket too because they are cold like "Mommy".  I have a couple of dogs, a cat, a rabbit and a pig.  I used to share the bed with Teletubbies when she was smaller.  Thank God that phase is finished! 

With the fever still slowing me down, I opted for an easy but scrumptious recipe that doesn't confine me in the kitchen for a long time. Just the styling took longer because I had to wrap them with chives which you don't really need to do. However, for presentation purposes, they can make the boring brown meat & pale yellow potatoes look beautiful.

I love the simplicity of the ingredients and the delicate aromas of the Marsala wine and lemons.  If my son is not crazy about capers, I wouldn't really add them.  I think adding just the Marsala takes out the full taste of the wine without any other flavors intertwining with it.  If ever you do add them, keep the amount to the minimum so that it doesn't overpower the wine.

Buon appetito!

Veal Piccata al Marsala and Lemon Mashed Potato Quenelles

Veal Piccata al Marsala

Serves 4
  • 500 g. veal, pounded with a meat tenderizer
  • 1 cup Marsala wine
  • flour to coat
  • salt & pepper
  • 60 g. butter
  • 1 teaspoon capers preserved in vinegar (optional)
  • 1/2 lemon, rind 
  1. Soak capers in a small bowl with water for about 10 minutes.   Drain and squeeze out excess liquid.  Set aside.
  2. Coat veal with flour.  Shake off excess.
  3. Melt butter in a saucepan.  When it's hot and starting to change color, add veal without crowding.  Brown both sides, about 5 minutes on medium - high fire.  Season with salt & pepper.  Cook for another minute.  Set aside on a plate.  Keep them warm by covering them. 
  4. In the same saucepan, pour Marsala, still maintaining medium high fire.  Add capers.  When sauce thickens, take away from fire.  Sprinkle with lemon zest. 
  5. Pour sauce on veal then serve. 

Lemon Mashed Potato Quenelles

Serves 4 
  • 800 g. potatoes, peeled and quartered
  • pinch of nutmeg, grated at the moment
  • 1/3 cup milk
  •  40 g. butter
  • 1/3 cup milk
  • 1/2 lemon, rind
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice
  • 1 teaspoon fresh chives, chopped finely 
  1. Bring a pot of salted water to a boil.  Add potatoes and cook for about 20 minutes or until tender but still firm.  Drain.
  2. Making sure that the pot is dry, put back the potatoes then mash with masher.  
  3. Add butter and milk.  Mix well.
  4. Add nutmeg, salt, pepper, chives, lemon juice and zest.
  5. To shape the potatoes to quenelles, you need a couple of tablespoons.  With a tablespoon in each hand, scoop a heaping amount of potatoes.  Transfer the potatoes to the other spoon by sliding the spoon on top of the other one.  Keep on transferring the potatoes until you attain the oval shape.  This link of Fine Cooking has pictures of the process that is very helpful. 
  6. Serve with Piccata al Marsala.

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