Pomegranate Spumante

We have finished the last chapter of 2012 and starting a new one again, with aspirations for a continuation of good life, more happy times and maybe, an accomplishment of something we have always wanted to do in the past.   I had a fruitful and memorable 2012 and I am stashing all the fond memories I had in my 2012 book to go back to again and again to remind me of how wonderful life had been.  With a new and shiny book for 2013, I am looking forward to filling up the pages with more beautiful memories, happiness and good health for me and my family.  

Thank you for being there, for listening, for writing and being very supportive!

Let's drink to the new year!

Buon Anno a Tutti!
I migliori auguri per un buon 2013
ricco di soddisfazioni!
Happy New Year Everyone!
Wishing you a prosperous 2013!

Pomegranate Spumante

Makes 1 glass
  • 1 part pomegranate syrup
  • 4 parts spumante (champagne or prosecco)
  1. Splash the pomegranate syrup in a champagne flute then pour the spumante after.
  2. Serve chilled.  
  3. You can adjust the ratio of the pomegranate syrup and spumante according to your taste.

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