Panino con Fettine di Bistecca e Peperoni ( Beefsteak Slices & Pepper Sandwich)

Planning meals for a family of four with different tastes is difficult.  Adults are flexible but kids can become too choosy and can easily break into tantrums.  For this reason, our family dinners are frequently chaotic, never silent and often concluded with teary-eyed faces. Care to join us for dinner? 

There are times when I cook different kinds of food for each member of the family.  You can imagine how busy that makes me whipping up dinner in the kitchen.  By principle, I am totally against it because I believe that the family eats together what is served on the table.  That's how I was brought up and that's how I would like my children to grow up too.  But I just wave the white flag when I don't want to fight disciplining the kids and just join the flow.  Physical stress is far better than mental stress.  

When I saw Monica Bianchessi preparing this panino in her show, Pronto in Tavola, I was ecstatic!  A sandwich like this for dinner will definitely give our dinner table the peace that my husband and I always hope for.  It only happens when there is a favorite food on the table.  A chance to cook something new gives me hope that I will be able to add it to the list of recipes to keep for the kids.  I was not sure about the peperoni (capsicum/pepper) but I was sure that the sautéed bistecca (beefsteak) slices marinated in soy sauce & lemon and eaten like a sandwich would win the kids' palates without a doubt. 

Let me lead you to the recipe and I hope you enjoy this recipe like we all did.  If you have little fussy eaters at home, maybe this can also do the trick.  

Buon appetito!


Panino con Fettine di Bistecca e Peperoni

Beefsteak Slices & Pepper Sandwich

Fills up 1 whole baguette 
Serves 2 - 4
  • 2 tablespoons soy sauce
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice (adjust the amount according to your taste)
  • ground pepper
  • 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil + extra for sautéing
  • sesame seeds
  • 400 g. beefsteak, sliced into strips
  • 1 baguette 
  • 1 capsicum or bell pepper, seeded & sliced into strips
  • salad leaves
  1. Make the marinade. Mix the soy sauce & lemon in a small bowl.  Adjust the amount of the lemon according to your taste.  Sprinkle with the ground pepper & sesame seeds.  Mix in 2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil.  Mix.
  2. Put the beef in a bowl.  Pour the marinade in the bowl then coat the beef well.  Let it rest for at least 1/2 hour. 
  3. Meanwhile, cut the baguette in the middle to have two pieces.  Then slice each piece horizontally to prepare them for the filling.  Excavate a bit the middle part to give room for the filling.  See the picture above.  Set aside.
  4. Sauté the bell pepper in a pan with little oil.  Cook them until they are slightly brown.
  5. Mix in the marinated beef.  Sauté with the pepper.  Continue cooking until they are cooked through, about 10 minutes. 
  6. Scatter some salad leaves on one bread.  Put the sautéed beef & pepper on it.  Close the sandwich with the other half of the baguette.  Do the same with the remaining ingredients.  
  7. Serve while still hot.

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