Avocado, Tomato & Spring Onion Salad

I am the last person on earth who would buy anything heart-shaped, and even red for that matter.  I am not a Valentine nemesis. I am just not into them.  I might consider pastel colored hearts made of wood. A country-style look is always irresistibly cute.  So, I surprised myself when I grabbed this red heart-shaped bowl from the shop.  I didn't even think twice about buying it.  I think I am getting old.  All my life I have turned my back on red hearts and now reaching my 4th decade, I was to be found in a shop holding the only thing I wouldn't even think of looking at.  A red heart-shaped bowl.  P.S.  I find it beautiful. 

The last time we had a family trip to the supermarket, my son was insistent that I get some avocados. The avocados didn't look so great so I explained it to a disappointed 6-year old.  "Next time I find good ones, I'll buy you some", I promised.  I wondered how he suddenly liked avocados when the last time I prepared it, I remembered that he negated all my proddings for a little taste.  He didn't like it and that was more than a year ago.  Children.  I think I need a crash course on effective parenting.

I love avocados but there is only one recipe I know. Mashed and mixed with milk & sugar.  I didn't feel like being limited again to the singular recipe I grew up with.  I wanted something salty this time and I needed to come up with a side dish for the salmon I was grilling.  Checking out the meager contents of my vegetable drawer, I was able to take out some datterini tomatoes & spring onions.  That should do.  Drizzled with aged balsamic vinegar & balsamic vinegar flavored with raspberries sealed this salad with a smack in the lips.  Buonissima!

We enjoyed this with the grilled salmon.  From now on, I will be making this salad often and I would like to pair it with other kinds of food.   If ever you try it as a side dish to something else, let me know.  Thanks!

Avocado, Tomato & Spring Onion Salad

Serves 2
  • 2 avocados, peeled, stoned & diced
  • 1 sprig spring onion, chopped or julienned
  • 100 g. datterini tomatoes (or cherry tomatoes), halved
  • aged balsamic vinegar
  • balsamic vinegar flavored with raspberries (Or any vinegar really like white wine, red wine, apple cider.  I added this vinegar to make the vinaigrette more sour.  If you are fine with just the balsamic vinegar, you can omit this.)
  • salt
  1. Mix all the ingredients in a bowl.  
  2. Drizzle with vinegar & sprinkle with salt.  
  3. Serve alone or as a side dish.  It goes well with grilled salmon.

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