Mini Sandwiches

When I make these mini sandwiches, my kids can wipe out a plate.  This is not even a recipe, just a very simple idea that could boost the appetites of the choosy little ones.  All you need are cookie cutters, slices of bread of whatever kind, and the fillings.   The sandwich fillings I prepared are basic and simple.  Canned tuna & mayo seasoned with salt & pepper.  Mayo ranks low in my family so I put a minimal amount.  The rest of the sandwiches are ham and cheese.   I use prosciutto cotto (cooked ham) and individually sliced cheese (whatever kind) because they are easier to cut with the cookie cutters.  Prosciutto crudo is tastier but the cookie cutter will not penetrate it.

I wanted to make these for my 5-year old's end of the year class party but the food had to be in the classroom before 9 AM and the sandwiches had to be freshly done to retain the moisture.  I pondered on it for some days and finally abandoned the idea because it takes time to cut the bread, cheese & ham.  Unless I was willing to sacrifice a few hours of sleep.

So it was pizza al taglio to the rescue once again.  It's the type of pizza commonly found in Rome where the pizzerie sell them by weight.  They are about a meter long and rectangular.  You indicate the size you want.  From that piece that they cut, they weigh it, cut them to pieces, wrap them in paper and you can take it away.  It's a very quick & cheap bite.

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