Grapes Wrapped with Emmentaler

Every night, my son likes to be read a story before sleeping.  My husband and I take turns in reading to him.  He reads in Italian while I read in English.  Our son understands both languages perfectly but he stubbornly refuses to speak in English.  He denies to strangers that he's bilingual and sees any Italian speaker who tries to speak with him in English as a conspiracy to take out his hidden language.  Once, I saw him speaking with an Australian couple who were struggling with their best Italian to converse with him while he insouciantly ignored their difficulty in handling the language.  They soon realized that he does understand English but was not admitting it.  When it was apparent that his little secret was uncovered, he moved to a safer ground - an Italian couple.

Oftentimes, as a joke, I take out my recipe book called Bruschette & Stuzzichini, I Piaceri della Tavola and start inventing stories about the bruschette & crostini.  He lies down all prepared for a treat of a fairytale when I start with "Once upon a time, there was a bruschetta who......".  Obviously I never get to finish one sentence without a sudden shriek of complaint and a playful jostling in bed to grab the proper fairy tale book which I always hide under my cookbook.   That is actually the only time when I get to scan my cookbooks.  And that is how I discovered this wonderful recipe.

Grapes Wrapped with Emmentaler

Serves 2
  • 10 pieces of  grapes, washed & dried
  • 125 g. emmentaler cheese, sliced thinly
  • mild or sweet paprika
  • chestnut honey or any honey
  • 10 chive leaves

  1. Take away grapes from the cluster, leaving a little bit of the stem.
  2. Wrap each grape with emmentaler.  Secure by tying a chive leaf around the cheese.
  3. Sprinkle the top of the grape lightly with paprika then follow with a drop or two of honey.

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