Tenuta di San Pietro a Pettine: A Gastronomic Immersion on Umbrian Truffles

Between the historical towns of Assisi and Spoleto, lies Tenuta di San Pietro a Pettine, a place treasured for its authenticity and refinement. The sprawling centuries-old estate situated in the village of Trevi takes its name from the ancient rural Romanesque church that still stands inside the property. Dated before 1000, where pilgrims walked the Via Francigena then used for many years as a shelter for livestock, the Caporicci family restored it to its present beautiful splendor. The uncontaminated place holds profound spirituality, which, historically, was also chosen by Saint Francis as a stopover during his travels to Rome.

Tenuta di San Pietro a Pettine is steeped in a rich heritage spanning four generations of the Caporicci family. Owner Carlo Caporicci cherishes the deep connection with his family, the land, and the people who have been integral to their family estate. Surrounded by the picturesque Umbrian green valleys, the estate is enhanced by the grandeur of centuries-old woods, rows of olive groves, truffle fields, and Mediterranean shrubs. Experiencing the place can be further enriched with a full immersion in the gastronomic structure by staying at one of the four rooms available for guests.

Their Prized Truffles

San Pietro a Pettine's reputation as a premier culinary destination is deeply intertwined with the life and passion of its owner, Carlo Caporicci. Raised amidst the estate's abundant truffle fields, Carlo's journey is a testament to his dedication to the cultivation and valorization of the Umbrian truffle. The knowledge and skills passed down through generations have equipped him with an deep understanding of truffle cultivation, preservation, and utilization.

The farm grows different types of truffles. The prized white truffle (Tuber Magnatum Pico), harvested between October to December, is the most esteemed. Next is another prized truffle, the black truffle (Tuber Melanosporum Vitt), available from the end of November to the middle of March. This is followed by the summer truffle (Tuber Aestivum Vitt) which is between June to August and the hooked truffle (Tuber Uncinatum Chatin), between October to January and lastly, the bianchetto truffle (Tuber Borchii Vitt), available between mid January to mid-April.

Having grown up in truffle fields, Carlo assisted by his daughters Benedetta, Camilla and Alice, created one of the best companies in the region where truffles represent the principal ingredient which are then processed and sold in Italy and abroad. These truffles find their spots in the kitchens of renowned national and international chefs such as Heinz Beck, Jamie Oliver, Niko Romito, Massimo Bottura, Cristina Bowerman, Fulvio Pierangelini and many others.

La Cucina di San Pietro a Pettine

Under Carlo's stewardship, the restaurant, La Cucina di San Pietro a Pettine, has become a beacon of sustainable practices and a showcase for local products. This commitment to sustainability and local valorization sets San Pietro a Pettine apart, transforming it from a mere dining location into a culinary institution revered for its excellence.

A capacity of just a few tables in the dining rooms, the restaurant maintains an elegant fixture in the estate. Essentially designed with subdued colors and dim lighting, the large windows overlooking the Umbrian hills, captivate the dining experience to a great height. 

Chef Alice Caporicci

At the heart of San Pietro a Pettine's kitchen is Chef Alice Caporicci, Carlo's daughter, whose journey is as remarkable as the dishes she creates. For over 12 years, Alice has been the driving force behind the kitchen of La Cucina di San Pietro a Pettine. Born in 1986, Alice's diverse academic background includes studies at the Academy of Fine Arts, reflecting her inclinations toward art and culture. Her culinary path began with varied experiences that enriched her palette and honed her skills.

Alice's career includes notable stints with renowned chefs like Jamie Oliver in London, Marco Gubbiotti at Cucinà in Foligno, and Fulvio Pierangelini at Le Jardin de Russie in Rome. These collaborations helped shape her unique culinary style, marked by creativity and a deep appreciation for local ingredients.

The Menu

Under Alice's expert guidance, La Cucina di San Pietro a Pettine offers a menu that is both refined and seasonal, celebrating the local products and truffles in all their glory. The menu's diversity reflects a harmonious blend of tradition and innovation with extraordinary capacity in emphasizing the flavors, layer by layer.

The proposals at the menu à la carte start with the appetizers (€15 to €20) like the Crispy Egg composed of potatoes, egg yolk and truffle or the Clitunno made of trout, crispy green apple and cucumber topped with summer black truffle. Pasta dishes (€22) are celebrated with the simple-looking yet explosively delectable Spaghettone Monograno "Felicetti" with Negative Rancetto with Candied Lemon or the particular Gnocchi with Goose Sauce, Laurel Milk Cream, Pickled Green Figs and Summer Truffle.  

Main courses (€24to €28) of meat and fish make their way to savory dishes underlining concrete flavors such as Stuffed Pigeon, tender Porcaccia with Radish Kimchi and Pak Choi. Fun and equally inspiring are the desserts (€10 to €15) such as the Hazelnut with Gianduja and Prized Black Truffle. Two tasting menus, in addition to the à la carte, are composed of five courses (€65), the Menu Ford'Ora and a longer one with seven courses (€85), the Menu Tamanto. 

Tenuta San Pietro a Pettine

Address: Loc. San Pietro a Pettine, 06039 Trevi (PG), Italy
Tel: +39 0742381480
Website: https://www.tenutasanpietroapettine.it/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lacucinasanpietroapettine


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