Chorus Cafe Features the Kitchen of Arcangelo Dandini and Mixology of Massimo D’Addezio

As an established haven for mixology seekers in Rome, Chorus Cafè adds an enticing feature to its repertoire. Arcangelo Dandini arrives at the kitchen of Chorus for a new adventure that will unravel a Roman gastronomic culture that goes beyond the large marble bar manned by Mixologist Massimo D'Addezio, the Best Barman in the World in 2009. Arcangelo hails from Rocca Priora, a small town outside Rome in the Castelli Romani. He is a known personality in the capital who fervently interprets the tradition of the Roman cuisine at his restaurants L'Arcangelo and Supplizio where he devotes the menu to the Roman street food. He is the fourth generation of a family of restaurateurs who have always been devoted to good food and tradition.

The menu that Arcangelo is concocting for Chorus is is not limited to the confines of Rome but rather on a wider scale with the various strengths of the Italian cuisine. And then there are also the dishes that recall his childhood at the Castelli where homegrown garden vegetables and herbs can be the simple and tasty protagonists of his dishes. With a valuable position just a hop away from the Vatican at Via della Conciliazione (the wide road that leads straight to St. Peter's Square), myriads of curious gastronomic seekers both from here and abroad would be enthralled at the new kind of proposals that the chef is putting on the table. There's a chance to discover new flavors and dishes that can make the stop at Chorus a part of the unforgettable memories at the gleaming capital. 

Apart from the food and drinks, the setting makes Chorus even more as a destination. Once the hall of the Conciliazione Choir of the Vatican, the ultra-stylish Art Deco interior of the restaurant is filled with Carrara marble, large windows and papal busts neutral colors of black, gray and ochre dimly lit with lamps.

The partnership with Massimo D'Addezio is a teamwork of an exploration of a harmony of tastes. "In the end, a cocktail is like a cooking dish. It is not enough to have excellent raw materials, you also need to know how to mix them. The result must be a perfect whole, not the sum of different ingredients," says D'Addezio. A guru at the bar, he has created twists to classics like his Carbonara Sour and his famous home-grown Martini. Massimo presents the art of drinking by skillfully unraveling recipes that cross borders and traverse continents.

The menu begins the appetizers (€13 to €25) like the iconic Journey to Rocca Priora, an intriguing combination of poached egg, wild herbs, pollen and black cherries or Goose foie gras, Plasmon Biscuits, Caramel and Licorice Salt. Then there is the plate of Raw Fish From Our Seas. The first courses of pasta and risotto (€15 to €16) are geared more towards traditionality of flavors like the Shrimp Ravioli and Bisque or Fresh Spaghetti Amatriciana Style. The Risotto with Porcini Mushrooms, Grape Juice and Breadcrumbs.The proposals for the main course (€23 to €30) can pique your interest. Grilled Lobster, Mustard, Capon Broth and Garum is delicious combination. There is also the Veal Escalope with Marsala Stravecchio di Baglio Biesina or the Guinea Fowl with Squash Cream and Broccoli. Finishing the meal with a Selection of Three Local Cheese (€15) is a rich alternative or something sweet at the Dessert (€10) selection like VoV with Cookies, Dark Chocolate and Citrus Jam, or English Trifle and English Cream. Cocktails by Massimo D'Assenzio (€11 to €18) can be paired with the dishes or more conventionally, wine. Taking out the adventurous part is giving your trust to the mixologist in concocting a drink just for you with the Udooit (Phaitu) option.

Chorus Cafè

Via della Conciliazione, 4
00193 Rome, Italy
Tel: +39 06 68892774

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