First Week of Italian Cuisine in the World 2016 (21 - 27 November 2016)

Italian cuisine is one of the most popular cuisines in the world. I agree and I don't know anyone who doesn't love anything Italian. It's so regarded by so many that it has been recreated in so many countries. Adapting to different palates and innovating in the fast movement of the modern food culture is the ongoing trend but let's also take a look at the traditional Italian gastronomy because in every dish, there is history and culture that kept it going for centuries. The secret ingredient that makes every single bite special is actually intangible. It's the determination for quality and passion of the people behind every production from ingredient to the the hands of the chef.  

For every Italian, "Made in Italy" has a great value that's more than a brand because it has a beautiful story to tell, the techniques passed on from generations to generations, and the elements of nature that contributed to its taste. Most important of all, the desire to produce something that equates excellence in quality for the betterment of the present and future generation. It cannot be replicated and that is what we call uniquely Italian. Through the First Week of Italian Cuisine, we hope that feeling will be conveyed to you too.

The official presentation of the First Week of Italian Cuisine in the World (Prima Settimana della Cucina Italiana nel Mondo) took place in the Renaissance style Villa Madama in Rome. The Minister of Foreign Affairs Paolo Gentiloni and Minister of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies Maurizio Martina opened the conference along with the most important people of the Italian food and wine sectors. 

Speakers from left to right:  
Antonio Campo Dall'Orto, Director General of RAI - Radiotelevisione Italiana; 
Maurizio Martina, Minister of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies; 
Paolo Gentiloni, Minster of Foreign Affairs (standing); 
Ivan Scalfarotto, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Economic Development;
Cristina Bowerman, President of the Italian Association of Ambassadors of Taste (Ambasciatori del Gusto).

Speakers from left to right:
Monica Fantini, Representative of Casa Artusi;
Vincenzo De Luca, Director General for the Promotion of the Country's System;
Paolo Cuccia, President of Gambero Rosso;
Tobias Piller, President of the Association of Foreign Press in Italy;
Tiziana Primori, CEO of Fico Eataly World;
Massimo Bergami, Dean of Bologna Business School

The participation in the week-long event will be by a vast network of both public and private sectors including government institutions, cooking schools, certified Italian restaurants, major designers, chefs, sommeliers and gastronomic producers. It will be a conglomeration of different expertise and experiences with one united aim - to promote the excellence and quality of the Italian cuisine.

One hundred and five countries are participating and among these, some have been recognized as locations of more intense promotions like the United States of America, Canada, Japan, Brazil, Russia, China and United Arab Emirates.

There are 1,300 scheduled events in the participating countries that are coordinated by diplomatic, consular and cultural institutes of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. These are:
  • 173 conferences, meetings with chefs and debates about the tradition of Italian cuisine
  • 98 promotional events with Italian restaurants and exhibits
  • 151 cooking shows, cooking courses and masterclasses
  • 334 themed degustations and dinners 
  • 23 contests and prizes for Italian quality cooking 
  • 32 technical-scientific and academic seminars  
  • 390 screenings of films and documentaries, theater performances, and concerts related to food
  • 32 exhibits of design, art and photos related to food, 
  • communication activities on TV, press and social media. 

It will be quite an intense week of getting to know Italy's culture and gastronomy. With pride, the country is ready to put its best foot forward and show the world the real essence of "Made in Italy".

With the Mediterranean Diet being included in the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage List, Italian cuisine has gained another outstanding quality. Not only does food need to exempt in flavors but its nutritional value has to be equally exemplary. And through the Italian Cuisine Week, nutrition will also be a fundamental part of discussions.

So mark your calendar for the First Week of Italian Cuisine in the World because Italy will be showcasing the best of its food and wine culture to the world with the use of genuine Italian products. Made in Italy is not just a brand written on every Italian product. It has a valuable meaning, a story of generations of families and the quality-driven passion of the makers behind it. 

Between 21 - 27 November 2016, you can have the possibility to taste the excellence of the Italian cuisine in different corners of the world during the celebration of the First Week of Italian Cuisine in the World (Prima Settimana della Cucina Italiana nel Mondo). 

With the Federazione Italiana Cuochi, Vice President Carlo Bresciani on the left.

More on Italian Gastronomy:

A Day in the Summer School of ALMA, La Scuola Internazionale di Cucina Italiana 

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