Avocado, Salmon & Egg Crostini

There are times when I am seriously pressed for time that the most logical thing to do is whip up something quick and easy but keeping in mind to retain the healthy aspect of the meal.  This is one of the quick & easy meals that I love preparing at times like this.  I usually have the ingredients except for the avocado but smoked salmon, eggs and bread are quite staple in our house. 

Sometimes, I do grab some junk food too that I keep for emergency cases and I give myself the privilege of being a couch potato in front of the TV even for a few minutes on one of the rare moments when the kids are not around. There are three variations that I usually prepare.  The crostini are still my favorite but sometimes a big plate of the salad version can be an easier option.  The rolls look more presentable when served as an appetizer to guests. 
We just went through a couple of exhaustive afternoons of children's birthday parties.  I think my eardrums are still ringing from the intensely deafening shrieks of a whole class of 6-year old kids.   Where do these small bodies keep such shrill and piercing noises?  Altogether, they can already be considered a dangerous weapon.  Have you ever found yourself stuck in the middle of a corridor of a group of running & shouting children charging towards your direction?  I did and it wasn't one of my best moments.  

At home, in the silence of just a couple out of twenty shrieking and running kids left, my husband and I ate our crostini without uttering any word.  It's useless, our eardrums were still resonating the 100 decibels from the party.   

Avocado, Salmon & Egg Crostini

Serves 4
  • 4 slices of bread
  • 2 eggs 
  • 50 ml. milk  
  • chives, chopped finely
  • salt 
  • extra virgin olive oil 
  • 1 avocado, peeled, stoned & diced
  • 100 grams smoked salmon, sliced into strips
  • 1/2 lemon 
  1. Toast the bread slices on a griddle or in a toaster.
  2. In a bowl, whisk the eggs with a pinch of salt, milk & chives.
  3. Over medium heat, in a saucepan with little extra virgin olive oil, pour the egg mixture.  Cook then turn off fire when it's still a bit runny & undercooked.  It will keep on cooking even if the fire is already off.
  4. Put the scrambled eggs on top of the bread.   Put the diced avocado.  
  5. Top with a slice or two of salmon.  Squeeze some lemon juice on top of the salmon.  Sprinkle with the chopped chives. 

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