Mustard & Honey Salmon with Fennel

Everyday, meat.  I am getting fed up and my body is shouting "fish"!  I went on a quick trip to the supermarket to get some codfish or perch fillet to make a simple dinner of pan baked fish, something that doesn't require much effort and time.  Of course, I got diverted when I saw the beautiful Norwegian salmon fillets. The price was good too.  I quickly ditched the pan baked fish idea and got lost in my thoughts thinking of how I will cook the salmon.   Think, think, think.

While in the car, I recalled watching somewhere where the salmon fillet was prepared with mustard.  I had no time to check the internet for interesting recipes so I just went by instinct.  I had to beat my 1-year old from her hunger pangs. That kid can become as noisy as a siren & as demanding as a policeman when she feels a little movement in her tummy.  She climbs her booster chair, buckles herself up, bangs her fork on her plate and shouts "mamma" & "gnam-gnam" (food, in her own baby language) alternately that cooking becomes a struggle to hold on to my sanity.  

After rubbing & seasoning the salmon with mustard, honey & chives, I chopped the fennel bulbs that were threatening to wilt if I didn't make use of them soon.  Dinner shoved in the oven, I beat my 1-year old from her hunger clamor.  She's nowhere to be found in the kitchen yet.  Twenty minutes later, dinner was on the table.  

Dinner, I have to say, was delicious.  Both my kids abandoned the emergency pasta I served them (just in case there are complaints about dinner) and practically ate more than we did.  

UPDATE (26 Nov. 2012):  The Traveling Vineyard has suggested wine pairings of Bailando 2010 Bonarda, Fomtina Valley, Argentina and Giovina 2010 Giovina Montepulciano d'Abruzzo for this recipe.  Please click on this link to go to the page.  

Mustard & Honey Salmon with Fennel

Serves 4
  • 1 kilo salmon fillet with skin on
  • 3 - 4 fennel bulbs, sliced
  • 1/4 cup Dijon mustard
  • 2 tablespoons honey
  • salt & pepper
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • chives
  1. Rub the salmon on both sides with Dijon mustard.  Season with salt & pepper.  Drizzle with honey & extra virgin olive oil.  Let it sit for at least 10 minutes.
  2. Distribute the sliced fennel around the salmon and season with salt, pepper & extra virgin olive oil.  
  3. Roast in an pre-heated oven at 200 degrees Celsius for about 20 minutes.
  4. Drizzle with extra virgin olive oil before serving.

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